Women critics are amazons in climax.

Cornering is like bringing a woman to climax.

GOOD THINGS DO COME IN BEARS!!.... is how I climax.

Silences have a climax, when you have got to speak.

Cornering perfectly is like bringing a woman to climax.

When the songs pop out, that's like the climax of us building.

There should always be some sort of conclusion or climax to your solos.

Climax shoot for 'Dabangg3' has been very hectic yet a great experience.

Dreading that climax of all human ills the inflammation of his weekly bills.

A story really isn't truly a story until it reaches its climax and conclusion.

Though I have an idea about the climax, it always changes when we start shooting.

We want a story that starts out with an earthquake and works its way up to a climax.

How you leave the reader is so important - not the climax; I call it the 'exit feeling'.

When women can't climax, it's our fault, but when we can't get an erection, we have to go to the doctor.

Usually climax scenes have emotional or action scenes but Podaa Podi' has a climax with a dance performance.

I don't view any of the hits I've ever written as the climax of my career. They're just minor stepping stones.

Yeah, I feel as an artist, making a movie is the top of the food chain - that's the peak, the climax of everything.

The storyline has always been of paramount importance to me. The subject and climax of 'Phillauri' touched my heart.

I was brought up in Florida, so there isn't much difference between playing there and playing here. The climax are about the same.

I go straight into shooting with a script that's 80 per cent complete and I wait for my characters to grow on me before I finalise the climax.

More than working toward the book's climax, I work toward the denouement. As a reader and a writer, that's where I find the real satisfaction.

Everyone has a 'Majnu' in them. It's not about the sad or happy climax. It's a term we use to define someone who falls in love and faces problems.

'Manu' is one of the best albums. The climax song will be a trump card for all break-up songs. Everybody will talk about the language of the lyrics.

Some directors ask for a hero introduction number, a duet and a fast number towards the climax. Most of the times, these songs only hinder the story.

Happiness is not a brilliant climax to years of grim struggle and anxiety. It is a long succession of little decisions simply to be happy in the moment.

A show is like having a climax. It's like having an incredible, natural climax. And then suddenly it's all finished, and you don't know what to do next.

The conventional Aristotelian plot proceeds by means of a protagonist, an antagonist, and a series of events comprising a rising action, climax and denouement.

The climax of 'Johny Mera Naa,' it's one of the best climaxes ever written, ever directed. If I ever wanted to remake a movie, I'd try to do this one, just for the climax.

The climax is the place where the opposing forces in your story finally clash. This is true whether those opposing forces are two armies or two values inside a character's soul.

Listen to great storytellers; slowly, you will learn about voice, timing, tension, structure, climax - all the things you need to tell stories that will capture the imagination of your audience.

With fiction, you can do whatever you want to, but if you are making a film on someone, you have to stick to the truth. You cannot just say that I will change the climax because I do not like it.

The winners at the Olympics step up, bursting with pride, because everything that they have worked for and all their dedication is rewarded in a climax that I, and most golfers, will never experience.

'Prom' is a movie that follows a bunch of high-schoolers' lives leading up to the prom, the climax of the movie. It focuses all their struggles and the social pressures that prom creates on their lives.

Great images take you on a journey via a single photograph. The depth and layers pull your eye all over the frame, causing you to pick up interesting pieces along the way, ultimately coming to a climax.

Endings don't have anything to do with what your movie is about. Now, there is an emotional climax, there's an emotional resolution that is 100 percent important. If I get that wrong, get your money back.

It was sheer coincidence that 'Amaidhi Padai' had an open-ended climax. The idea for a sequel kept coming up, and I decided to act on it, nearly 20 years after the first film. It was not a planned decision.

I really believe that what happens one day affects the next, and I think that came from that experience of learning that if I told the score inning by inning, play by play, it built up to its natural climax.

I was reading stories by Raymond Carver and some of his stuff sort of ended abruptly here and there, where in other short stories that I've read have a bit of an ending, a climax, a twist or something like that.

It was very punk rock for me to take a stab at working with Justin Bieber. I don't know how people portray that, or 'Climax,' for that matter. But for me, it was the most adventurous thing I could have done at that exact moment.

Through a shared aim, shared needs, shared love of a shared result in theatre, from the creation of space... the coming-together of an endlessly repeated climax of shared performance, again and again, something special can appear.

Without going into too much detail, the end of my major action scene, after the climax of the scene, there was one little change that I suggested regarding the way things should turn out. It was in the detail of the tears of blood.

And you understand something: that although, like all American eaters, you've been conditioned to think of the entree as the climax of the meal, it never is. It is, indeed, almost always disappointing, especially if you order fish.

The most emphatic place in a clause or sentence is the end. This is the climax; and, during the momentary pause that follows, that last word continues, as it were, to reverberate in the reader's mind. It has, in fact, the last word.

At the beginning of June 1944, the war was reaching a climax. German troops had been brutalised by the savagery of the ongoing fighting in Russia, where the Red Army was secretly preparing its vast encirclement of the Germans' Army Group Centre.

In September 1993, President Clinton presided over a handshake between Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Palestine Liberation Organization Chairman Yasser Arafat on the White House lawn - the climax of a 'day of awe,' as the press described it.

Think 'Game of Thrones.' In the old days, this sort of show might be considered bad writing. It doesn't really seem to be moving toward a crisis or climax, it has no true protagonist, and it's structured less like a TV show or a movie than a soap opera.

I like to compare the holiday season with the way a child listens to a favorite story. The pleasure is in the familiar way the story begins, the anticipation of familiar turns it takes, the familiar moments of suspense, and the familiar climax and ending.

But it is true that sometimes an enveloping darkness aids one to clearer vision; as in a panorama building, for example, where the obscurity about the entrance prepares one better for the climax, and gives the scene depicted a more real and vivid appearance.

After 'Hamara Dil Aapke Paas Hai,' 'Hum Aapke Dil Mein Rehte Hai' and 'Mujhe Kucch Kehna Hai,' my presence as a director will be felt. These three films have been very successful and 'Badhaai Ho Badhaai' is going to be the climax. My work is finally recognised.

In 'Gran Torino,' Eastwood moves towards the climax of the movie not by staging a shoot-out, but by putting his weapons to one side and confronting the bad guys armed only with a cigarette lighter, guessing that as he reaches for it they will think he's drawing a pistol.

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