I see myself as a climber and an activist.

The best climber is the one who has the most fun.

The Slovenians are the very best climbers in the world.

The best climber in the world is the one that has the most fun.

I've never really had a TV career. I've been a soldier and a climber.

You have to be careful of social climbers. There are a lot of potholes out there.

Albert Frederick Mummery and Chris Bonington are the British climbers I most admire.

There are many questions, but I cannot answer because I'm not a businessman, I am a climber.

There's a lot of mountain climbers trapped inside of bodies of people behind the counter at Kinko's.

James Salter has been a fighter pilot, a rogue, and a climber. He counts Robert Redford as a friend.

I don't mind being called snobbish, a pain and a social climber, but being called unkind really hurts.

My mother and father met through climbing and it was totally natural that I would become a climber too.

I think climbing is less a sport and more a hobby, and as such, I think everybody's a beginning climber.

I love to read about the exploits of technical mountain climbers, but I've never done any vertical climbing.

I'm a big outdoorsman... I'm a big hunter. Avid fisherman. Hiker. Climber. Scuba diver. Skier. Love the outdoors.

The top climbers in the world had attempted this climb and couldn't do it. That history is what makes Meru special.

There are two kinds of climbers: those who climb because their heart sings when they're in the mountains, and all the rest.

There are three things in life I really don't like: Rice pudding. Social climbers - you know, hang-ons! And the photo shoot!

As a professional climber, that's the question you always get: Why, why, why? It's an ineffable thing; you can't describe it.

The art of climbing is the art of survival. The best climber is the man or woman going in the most crazy places but surviving.

I don't regard myself as a cracking good climber. I'm just strong in the back. I have a lot of enthusiasm, and I'm good on ice.

There are way more powerful climbers compared to me but I think I can really take advantage of all my power due to my technique.

I'm a rock climber, a high-altitude climber, an adventurer, a storyteller through my museums, and a writer of more than 50 books.

For years I was a rock climber and nothing else. I went to school, yes, and university, yes, but in my heart I was a rock climber.

I've become more of a climber now - who still keeps that time trial as strong as ever. It gives me such self-belief. I feel a different athlete.

I think Himalayan climbers tend to mature fairly late. I think most of the successful Himalayan climbers have ranged from 28 to just over 40, really.

Hunters get lost all the time. There's just an outcry against climbers because a lot of people don't understand climbers and they think they're crazy.

If you do the treadmill or elliptical all the time, try adding the rowing machine or stair climber, maybe get a new bicycle. You want to keep it fresh.

My brother Bill, who is a year older, is a climber, and when I was in the seventh grade, he taught me how to rappel off the frozen waterfall in our backyard.

As a child I was the best tree climber in our neighbourhood, I was like a little monkey. I've never been afraid of hurting myself or a little physical discomfort.

When I lost seven of my toes on Nanga Parbat and small parts of my fingertips I knew I'd never be a great rock climber. So I specialized in high-altitude climbing.

I said to Scott that the ascent seemed to be going slowly and that I was concerned descending climbers could possibly run out of oxygen before their return to camp IV.

Ever since the morning of May 29, 1953, when Tenzing Norgay and I became the first climbers to step onto the summit of Mount Everest, I've been called a great adventurer.

Many climbers use the term 'objective hazard; to denote something they aren't to be held accountable for. I held myself accountable for the mistakes I made over the years.

Beverley Leslie was closeted. I'm not closeted. He was a little homophobic. He's a social climber. I'm nothing like that. He had a mean streak. I don't think I'm mean at all.

There is something addictive in space that makes you want to go back - like the mountain climbers who want to go back to the Himalayas although their fingers were cut by frostbite.

I think part of my business problems stemmed from a feeling that I had to be more than a good climber, that I had to do something more 'meaningful.' And that may come from my father.

I am an amateur mountain climber. Once or twice a year I go off to Chamonix in the French Alps, under Mont Blanc, and with a guide do treks that include rock climbing at high altitude.

A 30-year-old rock climber is an old man. At 40, one is in the middle of his high-altitude power. At 50, a crosser of deserts is at his best age. But at 60, each of us is out of the game.

I've definitely got lists of things I'd love to accomplish as a climber. But let's face it: The world's full of climbers, and the realm of unexplored, unclimbed peaks is shrinking rapidly.

I think our storytellers - our songwriters should be great storytellers, and they should be mountain climbers and explorers, because music is something that can cross all different borders.

There's only one way to gain mountain sense, and that's to be in the mountains a lot. Unfortunately, when you're a young climber, you have none. You're out there, and your risk level is high.

People say, 'Are you insane?' But the most successful climbers are the most calculating, with the most refined sense of risk. They're hyper-conscious of safety. They're the least insane people I know.

I think speed climbing is kind of an artificial discipline. Climbers compete on the same holds and train on the same holds, which doesn't have much in common with the climbing philosophy in my opinion.

I don't know a lot about mountaineering. I once went walking in the Lake District with the legendary climber Chris Bonington and had to have emergency physio afterwards to regain sensation in my thighs.

Look, I do not control alpinism. But maybe I was too successful. Many in the mountaineering scene - journalists, second-rate climbers, lecturers, so-called historians - had a problem with me for many years.

Save for a few people in my life, every close male relationship that I have, they're all warriors, whether they're SEALs, competitive martial artists, or professional mountain climbers. They have a certain code.

I explained I wanted to descend as quickly as possible to camp IV in order to warm myself and gather a supply of hot drink and oxygen in the event I might need to go back up the mountain to assist descending climbers.

I don't bench press, but I use machines to work 10-12 muscle groups. Biceps, triceps, a few things for the back, calves, shoulders and so on - and then I'll go on the running machine, cross-trainer or mountain climber.

Stand at the base and look up at 3,000 feet of blankness. It just looks like there's no way you can climb it. That's what you seek as a climber. You want to find something that looks absurd and figure out how to do it.

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