I have a very close relationship with my parents.

I have a very close relationship with my daughter.

I had a very close relationship with [Brian] Mulroney.

I have a really close relationship with Mike Bloomberg.

There was a close relationship between Mandela and the CBC.

I have the capability to have a close relationship with someone.

I've had very close relationships with some twentieth-century writers.

I am interested in the complicated choreography of close relationships.

I have a very close relationship with God. I even fight with Him at times.

I have a very close relationship with my father. We're in no way estranged.

When I was climbing, I built up a close relationship with the Sherpa people.

What amazes me most is that the media and I have fostered a close relationship.

I had a very close relationship with my grandmother. She actually helped raise me.

Neymar is like my brother. I love him, and we have a very good, close relationship.

There is a close relationship between the "ha-ha" of humor and the "aha!" of discovery.

I have a very close relationship with my mom, and I'm able to talk to her about anything.

I don't have close relationships with agents. They're friends, but they're not confidants.

However successful you are, there is no substitute for a close relationship. We all need them.

I have an amazing and supportive family. I'm fortunate to have a close relationship with everyone.

We have a very close relationship with Google. We extend our offerings to all the markets that we expand into.

My mother and I have always had a very close relationship, so I wanted to honor my mom by naming my daughter Julia as well.

I enjoy the Web site a lot and I like being able to talk to my readers. I've always had a very close relationship with them.

What I would rather see, what I think would be the best outcome, is a very close relationship between the United Kingdom and the E.U.

It's nice to play a character that has a soulful, dependent, close relationship. It must mean my character is interesting in some way.

I had such a close relationship with my dog, and my dog so filled the need in my life to have children that I just wanted Cathy to have that experience.

Coach Matta recruited me the best, I had a close relationship with him immediately and I saw a great opportunity at Ohio State. Sometimes it's just that simple.

I have a really close relationship with God. I have more conversations with God, and it's very therapeutic to me. It helps me through a lot of trials and tribulations.

When I was Prime Minister, it's right - we had a close relationship - but that did not prevent me, when I believed the United States position was wrong, arguing against them.

How often do I call my mom? You can never call your mum enough, and I should call my mum more often. But I speak to my mum very regularly and have a close relationship with my parents.

The key to successful missionary work is a close relationship between the missionaries and the members. Creating an environment in working with members that will bring more into the Church.

There are numerous cases of that, where one of our writers discovers another writer whom he likes, and we then take that book on. So it's a very close relationship. We can do that because we're so small.

Businesses are among the first to see changes in the labor market, but few countries have the necessary close relationship between business and educators to ensure this information reaches the education system.

My mother is not a naturally happy person and is very complex. She won't allow any of us to touch her. Not even my father hugs her. And, as a family, we never kiss each other. Yet we do have a close relationship.

For each other, at each other: Sisters can be either or both. The same could be said of people in any close relationship. Yet there is something special about sisters - specially gratifying and specially fraught.

Violet is my everything. She's the sweetest little girl in the whole world. She inspires me. I'm glad that we have such a close relationship because she makes me laugh and shows me how great life can be every day.

The close relationship between railroad expansion and the genera development and prosperity of the country is nowhere brought more distinctly into relief than in connection with the construction of the Pacific railroads.

I guess we've had a very close relationship because I don't pretend to know about cinema and I think I do know a bit about theatre but he does, he respected that and so we really just had a collaboration which went completely like this.

I love children and I love family and I love that interaction. Because I had a really close relationship with my mother, I understand that deep powerful love, and it's so beautiful. To be a mother to a child is the most brilliant gift; it's gorgeous.

I started out in a professional choir at 13 years old. We traveled to different places, and I had a close relationship with the leaders of our choir. We were recording when I was 15, so it wasn't like I had to wait until 25 to find out certain things.

Fame does lead to money, which I don't have a close relationship with. I'm the kind of guy who never sees the money - it all goes somewhere else. I don't understand it, I don't like to deal with it. I have a fear of not having it, because I grew up without it.

I enjoyed a close relationship with my mother, who set a wonderful example. As such, I have always tried to be as open and honest as possible with the girls growing up. I let them know they could always come to me with anything - and I would be there to support them.

Tony, Stacy and Jay really looked at life completely different and that played into everything that they did, whether it was skating or with their friendships. And for the three of us, we had such a close relationship off screen, that it was so easy to have that on screen.

My followers are some of the most loyal people out there. They know everything about me and my life. They know all my drama with guys that I have crushes on, all that stupid stuff that doesn't really matter. But all that stuff allows me to build a close relationship with them.

For a man, there's a big responsibility that comes with having a boy because men are made by their fathers. If you've got a good productive man around it's better. I have such a close relationship with my dad and that responsibility to produce a good man is something I think about.

When I was dancing, whether it was the music or the story, the question was 'Why am I doing this piece, and why am I dancing?' It is exactly the same when you are acting. You have a very close relationship with your body movement. You have to find the physicality of your character.

It is clear that there needs to be a closer working relationship between the United States and India. How can we have a close relationship if decision-makers in Washington know very little, if anything, about the religious beliefs, values, and practices of India's 800 million Hindus?

When we look at Huawei and ZTE, there are significant indicators that - because of Huawei's close relationship with the Chinese military and Chinese intelligence, the use of Huawei technologies could create backdoors for areas of access to consumer data or company data that we would find unacceptable.

After I released 'Jesus, Take the Wheel,' people started saying, Oh, it's kind of risky. You're coming out with a religious song. And I was thinking, Really? I grew up in Oklahoma; I always had a close relationship with God. I never thought it was risky in the least. If anything, I thought it was the safest thing I could do.

This 'Making Mirrors' album is far more personal, even if there's a character element to the sounds I'm working with. Every song on this album I stand behind; I feel like I have a close relationship with them. There are older songs where I can feel myself writing a story, so this is the first album where I'm proud of every lyric.'

It's interesting that I had such a close relationship with my grandfather. Because your parents always judge you: they say, 'You shouldn't do this, you shouldn't do that.' But with your grandparents you have a feeling that you can say anything or you can do anything, and they will support you. That's why you have this kind of connection.

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