The past is a closed door.

I thank God for Closed Doors

Nothing attracts me like a closed door.

Behind closed doors, I'm a crafty person.

I almost died, secretly, behind closed doors.

You never know what goes on behind closed doors.

I'm not sure if being known opened or closed doors for me.

My mom was a painter and loves to sing behind closed doors.

Nothing in life has happened to you, it's happened FOR You!

Behind closed doors, Rob is a real teddy bear, a big softie.

What consenting adults do behind closed doors is not my business.

From what I hear, dogfighting is a sport. It's just behind closed doors.

Closed doors simply means God is protecting us from having not the best.

Everyone is battling something emotional behind closed doors - that's life.

A clever, imaginative, humorous request can open closed doors and closed minds.

Nothing is allowed in public, while everything is permitted behind closed doors.

There is lots of my work that takes place behind closed doors that is not ever seen.

The prospect of being able to run a race behind closed doors is absolutely feasible.

I'll never know what happens behind closed doors or why I don't get hired for things.

God has always opened up doors at the right time. He's closed doors at the right time.

Nothing attracts me like a closed door. I cannot let my camera rest until I have pried it open.

You grow and learn a lot about the industry and what happens behind closed doors over the years.

You never know what's really happening behind closed doors. Everything isn't always what it seems.

A lot of the joke of 'The Windsors' is this ridiculous idea of what might happen behind closed doors.

I don't see why people are so concerned at what other people do behind closed doors or in their lives.

Others like City Hall the old way, when they could make deals behind closed doors with your tax money.

There's still is a status-quo group at City Hall who likes things done the old way, behind closed doors.

As Chloe, I can honestly say I've never uttered a syllable of a curse word, not even behind closed doors.

I do know I've lived through a bunch of things that people would maybe prefer I keep behind closed doors.

No minister should be able to whisk through Parliament agreements that are negotiated behind closed doors.

I am, by nature, an honest person. I wear my emotions on my sleeve. There is no 'behind closed doors' with me.

Al Campanis made people finally understand what goes on behind closed doors - that there is racism in baseball.

We are trying to make politics more open. It became a Ukrainian tradition to make decisions behind closed doors.

That is the most important thing to me, what happens behind the closed doors in the studio and makes me an artist.

I will not allow anyone to shut me up or shame me into silence, and I'm not going to rot away behind closed doors.

The big dramas that fascinate me are the quiet ones that happen behind closed doors in so-called ordinary families.

Public displays of puritanical religiosity mask the private perversions of the real Washington behind closed doors.

It's better to negotiate behind closed doors than it is to be out throwing rocks at one another in the public square.

I'm almost exclusively interested in what happens behind closed doors, between people. The removal of their public face.

It's impossible to know what everyone does behind closed doors. Even in families, you don't know sometimes what's going on.

I've lived publicly and never hidden behind closed doors. Therefore, if I have gone over the top sometimes, it has been visible.

Does anyone believe that Goldman Sachs is gonna give up a deal that would yield millions of dollars because someone fussed at them behind closed doors?

The politics of the Cape Town Metro, which allows an executive Mayoral committee to make secret decisions which affect you, behind closed doors, is wrong!

I just kind of keep doing what I'm doing, keep plugging away, kind of hide behind closed doors sometimes, which is nice, kind of the way I'd like to keep it.

You can't negotiate in public. People won't make concessions in public. They will do that in private. Like sausage making, you have to do it behind closed doors.

Non-Muslims in Saudi Arabia can only celebrate Valentine's Day behind closed doors. Apparently, this has led to a huge black market for flowers and wrapping paper.

Those artists who say that somehow therapy or analysis will thwart their creativity are completely misinformed. It's absolutely the opposite: it opens closed doors.

What the military will say to a reporter and what is said behind closed doors are two very different things - especially when it comes to the U.S. military in Africa.

I learned to hide aspects of my personality. Playing with girls was fine, for example, but playing with their Barbies was something I could do only behind closed doors.

My experience - I'll never know what happens behind closed doors or why I don't get hired for something, but I've never had an experience that made me feel any less than.

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