Things that I do tend not to work out commercially.

Working in a hugely, commercially successful film benefits everyone.

'Lootera,' though not commercially successful, was a beautiful film.

We never thought we'd be commercially viable, and we were proved wrong.

A lot of dramas get a bad name commercially because they are unremittingly bleak.

We don't believe carbon capture is a proven, scalable, commercially available technology.

I'm in the entertainment business, and I make commercially entertaining animated features.

It is only when you become commercially viable that you actually get accepted by the industry.

The movies I made early on may not have been great, but they were all commercially successful.

We want to give our audiences flexibility in the way they're commercially engaged in the content.

The best thing commercially, which is the worst artistically, by and large, is the most successful.

The chance to be both artistically appreciated and commercially appreciated... That's what you hope for.

Saying the Tech Bloom is not commercially driven is like saying Mother Teresa had an interest in the poor.

Films are commercially viable when you work with a superstar. That's why I did 'London Dreams' and 'Ready.'

Most movies now are drama, and the commercially successful ones are, sadly, about adulterous relationships.

I like independent movies, documentaries. There's not a lot of movies that are commercially made that I dig.

What can I tell you? I continue to be creative, but have only been commercially successful outside of the U.S.

'The Driver' wasn't commercially successful at the time, but when I was a teenager, I had no knowledge of that.

It's inappropriate and vulgar and absolutely unacceptable to use your private life to sell anything commercially.

While theoretically and technically television may be feasible, commercially and financially it is an impossibility.

As an actress, I am happy that people are offering me good roles and I am earning success critically and commercially.

I like the idea that people hear my stuff, and if it's commercially successful, that's a good sign that it's being heard.

The first cellular systems didn't become commercially available until 1983. Most of the phones before then were in fact car phones.

If you want to capitulate to what commercial needs are, you can always be commercially valuable, but I'm not interested in being that.

It's hard to get to the right position, to be somebody who is commercially successful and critically acclaimed. That's the sweet spot.

The inventors we remember didn't invent anything. They're the people who took somebody else's invention and made it commercially viable.

It feels great that with the film choices I have been making have been quite radical and different. I am glad they are commercially working.

Whether my film becomes commercially successful or not, only God can tell, or the box-office numbers. So why worry about it and get distracted?

Whatever I have done so far has led me to 'Kaabil.' It is a big opportunity for me to establish myself more commercially. It is a huge platform.

I've made movies where people say it's their favourite, but they don't take it seriously because it just didn't seem to break through commercially.

I want to be a commercially viable actor. I want that the distributors and producers should earn the money; then only, you become a bankable actor.

A lot of people don't remember anything since 'Ice Ice Baby,' but I've got 3 records out since then and they're all successes - but not commercially.

I want to make my kind of films but make them work commercially, too. When my presentation meets the director's imagination, the result will be great.

That's the reason support for the National Endowment of the Arts is so important. It enables those ventures that aren't viable commercially to be done.

Some of the most radical work is being done in the most commercially pop venues, and some of the most boring work is being done in avant-garde territory.

Many mainstream winemakers use indigenous yeasts rather than commercially grown ones to ferment their grapes - precisely what natural winemakers advocate.

'Badlapur' was my first film that did well, commercially. People have also watched the other films that I have made, but they didn't bring in the footfall.

The most important single fact about pop music in the Nineties, is the number of hours made commercially available increased by an estimated factor of ten.

All the music that I've made in the past I've believed in. I think some of it has been more commercially successful than others, but it wasn't premeditated.

You know, you want everything you do, obviously, to be a success critically and commercially. But what you find out as you go along is that everything won't.

My partner, Beth Alexander, and I want to produce smaller films, but commercially viable films that will enable me to make the kinds of movies I want to make.

From the first slave ship arriving in harbor, America stole and judged blacks. Black life that didn't fit into white logic was commercially exploited or lynched.

I enjoy writing and promoting my books. I enjoy the feedback. But all this is because I don't depend on it commercially. I don't need that money. I have a career.

There is music out there that is commercially driven, whether you like it or not. That's a peculiarly American innovation. We innovated the commercial music business.

It is really a sad state of affairs if I am still the only commercially successful woman director. We need a lot more commercially viable women, not only in direction.

You can crash on one set of rocks or the other set of rocks, and they crashed on the other set of rocks, which was probably being too little to be commercially viable.

I wouldn't think a blues album would be that commercially successful, but I don't really care. I'd do it for the love of blues, not for the money. I've got plenty of money.

The ballooning budgets of Bollywood are getting out of hand, and it's important for people to realise that you don't need Rs 20 crore to make a good, commercially viable film.

The Business' has been an editorial success, with a core audience that loves it. But commercially it has never been a success as a newspaper. It just gets crowded out on a Sunday.

When Silence of the Lambs did well commercially it was more than anything. My partner Ed Saxon and I were just so relieved that finally we had made a movie that had made some money!

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