I'm not really a confrontational person.

I'm only confrontational with my friends.

My style is confrontational: when I see evil, I want to remove it right away.

I'm not terribly confrontational, but I've gotten better at holding my ground.

I'm not confrontational, but if someone challenges, I'm not going to back down.

An interview has become such a confrontational thing. It makes you very defensive.

I'm not a screamer. I'm confrontational, but I don't think that translates into anger.

I'm so British and polite that creating a scene or being confrontational is so not my vibe.

Confrontational or not, my approach to public service has always been fighting for my families.

The people at MTV are encouraged to be very confrontational and declarative about their tastes.

By nature I can be a confrontational person. I don't feel like there's anything wrong with that.

I am not a confrontational person. I have never had a fight in my life - neither with a man nor a girl.

Everything has changed. An interview has become such a confrontational thing. It makes you very defensive.

I feel more comfortable being confrontational and authoritative. It's important for women in this business.

In a confrontational situation, you'll get their gut. And I want their gut! And that's why people watch this show!

We were the first people who did investigative stuff, who asked occasionally abrasive, occasionally confrontational questions.

Confrontational things, admission of error, admission of defeat, restructuring, laying people off - those are not American ideals.

Early on, I really liked the idea of being confrontational. I loved the idea of making songs that made people really uncomfortable.

In the real world, people go against my beliefs all the time, and I don't make it my place to - like, I'm not super confrontational.

We're a band that's never been okay with the status quo. In a way, it's allowed us to be more open and confrontational in our music.

I'm not a confrontational person in real life, so I really don't wanna get into arguments or fistfights with people I'm making fun of.

As a person who is not confrontational by disposition I tend to see that the quality of being confrontational is a positive attribute.

I bring values, resiliency, a thick skin, and I'm not afraid to be confrontational. I don't remember anyone before bringing that to the table.

People keep saying I've changed. I used to be confrontational. But I'm - I haven't changed. It was - it's just that circumstances have changed.

In general, even when I'm not doing political comedy, I want to be clever and find the least confrontational way to say the most offensive things.

Black men, we're known for getting into some drama with other black men, specifically black-on-black crime. We're used to the confrontational attitude.

I think we've always thought that it's important to have a positive relationships with local government rather than taking a confrontational kind of stance.

The relationship between press and politician - protected by the Constitution and designed to be happily adversarial - becomes sour, raw and confrontational.

I had my moments for sure but I wasn't confrontational. And sometimes you get on the court and you'd find yourself very confrontational. It was all a discovery.

I feel like I've come off as an outspoken woman. Sometimes I think I've come off as confrontational. But I feel like it's been pretty fair. Those are parts of me.

For me, everybody is the same. If you are not nice to me, I will say, 'Okay, we will try to make it nice tomorrow.' I am like that. I am not a confrontational person.

This marched was planned to be non violent and non confrontational, and gladly it stayed that way. What really impressed me was the self discipline of the Black Block.

I do think that tonal element of Trump's is attractive, but I don't know if I would go so far as to say the confrontational element of his rhetoric is necessarily attractive.

As an FBI agent, you don't want to go in there gangbusters and confrontational. You are going to get a lot more information if you put the subject at ease and allow them to talk.

The iconoclastic mode, that specific mode of language, there is an element of it that it is punk - that is confrontational. That's just a part of the language of jazz - at a certain point.

I've been brought up to be polite and I'm not very confrontational, but even I have walked away from situations and thought, 'If only I'd said or done that.' Well Mr Hyde says and does that.

I make spaces that are calm rather than confrontational. I seek a certain kind of logic that allows you to move in space and perceive it as beautiful and rational. Clarity is a worthwhile quality.

There's something about compassion that causes society to say, 'We're going to take this person seriously.' Take Mother Teresa. She was confrontational on abortion, but she wasn't rejected by society.

For some people, when you walk into a room, what your fame means to them can be like pointing a weird gun at them. It triggers something. They might get really giggly or flirty or cold or confrontational.

But we wanted to work in a way we never had, which was write everything together. We had to face each other in the same creative room, which gets tougher as you get older, because you don't want to be confrontational.

My mother's not a political person. She just doesn't want me to be mean... sometimes I have to be mean. It's like a parent or a teacher. Sometimes for the good of everybody you have to be a little bit strong, a little bit confrontational.

We don't really go in for big family dinners, but Scottish people are famously confrontational. It's a cultural thing, so maybe we don't need to have them to clear the air. Also, traditional family food isn't as nice here so there's no payoff for traveling hundreds of miles.

In order to spur progress, we all need to be people who point out and shine a spotlight on racism wherever we see it. It doesn't always have to be confrontational, but it does need to become the societal norm that racism is identified and not tolerated in any form or fashion.

A coach-player relationship in this league often will be confrontational at times. And other times, it's smooth sailing. But just the dynamic of the competitive nature of everybody, expectations, results - all these things combine, yeah, sometimes it will get testy. And that's good.

I'm not a confrontational person or comedian. I think we can explore more things if one of us is not fighting with the other. I take it easy. But I do like comedians who are very different from myself: I love dry comics with deadpan one-liners. I look on and think, 'That's amazing; why didn't I think of that?'

My heroes and heroines are often unlikely people who are dragged into situations without meaning to become involved, or people with a past that has never quite left them. They are often isolated, introspective people, often confrontational or anarchic in some way, often damaged or secretly unhappy or incomplete.

If our republican form of government is perishing because communications - the infrastructure of that republic - is under the yoke of international business how, at last, do we save it? We must build a confrontational movement to reclaim our democracy, a movement committed to active and sustained protest against the present order.

I was very aware of office politics because I was so baffled by them. So much so goes unsaid. No one says 'you're a cheeky so-and-so,' no one says 'you're so moody,' nobody ever confronts anyone else about anything. But I'm very crass, and I'm very confrontational, and I have a temper. I had to be hyper-vigilant in every office I worked in.

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