The connection between conscious and unconscious poses particular problems in the dancer because the body is the soul of action.

I do love writing prose interspersed with the poetry of other people. Their rhythms break into my prose and create a connection.

When I photograph, I am always relating things to one another. Photography shows the connection between things, how they relate.

Brand is really the connection between you and your customersif you have a very strong culture, then the brand will come through.

Sometimes you get so jaded, you don't have those initial connections and emotions with music, because you are promoting your own.

Polygamists have no connection with us whatsoever. They don't belong to the church. There are actually no Mormon fundamentalists.

All this technology for connection and what we really only know more about is how anonymous we are in the grand scheme of things.

'Beale Street' is such an intimate story that I think it requires intimate connections between the artists that are a part of it.

Drawing is a way of coming upon the connection between things, just like metaphor in poetry reconnects what has become separated.

Hope, purpose and determination are not merely mental states. They have electrochemical connections that affect the immune system.

Cool is the emotional straightjacket. It makes us less available for connection which makes us less equipped for leadership roles.

But the rhythm of the mix tape is the rhythm of romance, the analog hum of a physical connection between two sloppy, human bodies.

I have not suggested there's a connection between Iraq and 9/11, but there's clearly an established Iraqi track record with terror.

Ideology is: intellectual ordering of the feelings; an objective connection among them that makes the subjective connection easier.

Any CEO who cannot clearly articulate the intangible assets of his brand and understand its connection to customers, is in trouble.

It seems that so much writing is being done in the nineteenth-century model, where every connection has to be thoroughly explained.

If leadership requires a fired-up sense of purpose and imagination, it also demands a profound connection to the society to be led.

Obviously because of my personal connection to Mandela and having had his story as part of my childhood, I knew how awesome he was.

There are a lot of very strong connections with music and mathematics. They both can work in patterns and sequences and repetitions.

The place of connection or separation in relationship to your own being, the place in your self where this occurs, is in your heart.

I want to be a superhero, I want to be Spider-Man or Batman. Will you let me know if you have any connections? Let's make it happen.

Songwriting is like a therapy, it's a connection that you have with another person, and I'm not scared of it at all for some reason.

Just in relation to women, it's not that huge an imaginative leap to see the connection between the Taliban and the Catholic Church.

The spirit world speaks to us through the heart. The more we open our hearts and raise our own vibrations, the easier the connection.

Hillary Clinton has a vision, she has knowledge and judgment. She is a strategic thinker, based on her experience and her connection.

If you want to enter into a state of pure connection with your child, you can achieve this by setting aside any sense of superiority.

The moment you go in, all connections with the outside world are broken; all bridges are broken. In fact, the whole world disappears.

Environmental concerns and feminism are locked together. Generally, women have closer connections to the organic nature of our lives.

I lived in Bologna. I go back quite often, and I still have lots of connections and lots of friends. It was a nice period in my life.

It's not irrelevant, those moments of connection, those places where fiction saves your life. It's the most important thing there is.

Let's just keep asking ourselves this question: 'Is what I'm about to do strengthening the web of connections, or is it weakening it?'

I find myself writing protagonists who do feel pretty cut off from others but who want to make connections and aren't very good at it.

This connection we have isn't going away, it's only getting stronger. Because the more I spend time with her, the closer I want to be.

It is odd to consider the connection between despotism and barbarity, and how the making one person more than man makes the rest less.

All of us were tuned in during our early development but we lose our connection to intuition over time as other things come into play.

There is a vital connection between satyagraha and charkha, and the more I find that belief challenged, the more I am confirmed in it.

What we're always looking for is weird social issues and weird connections to make. Luckily for them, there's no shortage of material.

Network television is all talk. I think there should be visuals on a show, some sense of mystery to it, connections that don't add up.

Mind and body are not to be taken lightly. Their connection is intimate and mysterious, and better mapped by poets than pornographers.

The connection between romantic politics and aesthetics is plain in Schiller's and Novalis's concept of the aesthetic or poetic state.

Music is thousands and thousands of years old and I don't think that basic, primitive connection to the language of music ever changes.

Not only who am I, but who are we? And where are we going? It's the "we." It's the social connections that are special to human beings.

When somebody comes up to you and shows you yellow underlining of something you wrote, that's such a high. It's a connection to others.

I am concerned that a film without an large advertising [budget] can not establish a connection with contemporary audiences, of course.

I was very, very into animation when I was growing up. The Simpsons is still my favorite show. I have a really strong connection to it.

Mere connection with what is known as a superior race will not permanently carry an individual forward unless the individual has worth.

There's a connection between the advances that are made in technology and the sense of primitive fear people develop in response to it.

The most familiar and intimate habitudes, connections, friendships, require a degree of good-breeding both to preserve and cement them.

Every problem emerges from the false belief we are separate from one another, and every answer emerges from the realization we are not.

Mathematical science is in my opinion an indivisible whole, an organism whose vitality is conditioned upon the connection of its parts.

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