My own death threats have declined considerably.

Today, the competition is considerably more intense.

Every man of genius is considerably helped by being dead.

The pen is mightier than the sword, and considerably easier to write with.

Tithing is considerably less popular than words like generosity or sharing.

The pen is mightier than the sword, and is considerably easier to write with.

In the world of fiction, politics usually appears considerably more exciting than it is.

Like all of Moore's work, 'V for Vendetta' is considerably less than the sum of its parts.

When gross public debt exceeds 90 percent of GDP, economic growth tends to decline considerably.

I have been considerably picky for somebody who's not a movie star, and sometimes I get frustrated.

I think rock 'n' roll would become exponentially, considerably more difficult to perform past about 65.

These days, the Rolling Stones still have an edge, but that fangs-out ferocity has mellowed considerably.

Since I left Atleti, I have improved my game with my feet considerably, and I have matured a lot as a person.

Since I left the wrestling business and got in the Jim Cornette business, my blood pressure is down considerably.

Here's the problem with phones - they are a ready-made diversion from the considerably harder work of growing a business.

Smile, smile, smile at your mind as often as possible. Your smiling will considerably reduce your mind's tearing tension.

It makes the day considerably more enjoyable when you're working with people you think are good, and it makes your job easier, too.

In a hyper-capitalist environment dominated by media giants, the means available to independent journalism have narrowed considerably.

If the chain symmetry is maintained in the crystal lattice, the possible occurrence of different space groups is considerably restricted.

Based on my experience, it's considerably difficult to force a donkey into doing something it perceives to be dangerous for whatever reason.

Public borrowing is costly these days, true, but interest rates on municipal bonds are still considerably lower than those borne by corporate debt.

At the very end, what is going to happen is that immigration will be reduced considerably. And how can we get to that stage? By agreements on sectors.

What we have is North Korea still pursuing path to a nuclear weapon state. So the majority of people's trust in North Korea has gone down considerably.

My sister and my brother, of whom I have not spoken before, were considerably older than I; it seemed almost as if we belonged to different generations.

Those first few years of marriage, before the war interrupted all our lives, Phil and I had a very happy time. I grew up considerably, mostly thanks to him.

Things have slowed down considerably since the new series has started airing and I am currently looking for work. It has been a nice year-long vacation nonetheless.

In every sport, at the competitive level, there's always a danger of injury. But there are considerably less chances in body building comparatively, than say in soccer.

I believe that the quantum of our knowledge will increase considerably in the coming years and that scientists will continue to be amongst the brave voices speaking out.

Because of the revolution of the Earth upon its axis, a new degree of the zodiac rises every four minutes, and thus even the horoscopes of twins may differ considerably.

Things have become considerably better for men of colour since I was born. But I'd say that we'll be really getting somewhere when things get better for women of colour.

I came to Turin above all for my family, because at Manchester, they had inserted a clause in our agreement which changed the situation considerably. It really annoyed me.

In the brute physical world, and the one encompassed by medicine, there are all too many things that could kill you, don't kill you, and then leave you considerably weaker.

Reducing caloric intake is the only proven method of extending life. If caloric intake is reduced to 20 percent below maintenance, you can extend your lifespan considerably.

The human race's prospects of survival were considerably better when we were defenceless against tigers than they are today when we have become defenceless against ourselves.

Pacifist propaganda and the resolutions of the parliamentarians encouraged such treaties, and toward the end of the nineteenth century their number had increased considerably.

Life itself is offensive and certainly does not apologize - in fact, it hurts considerably and, as we all know, is often very rude and troublesome, just as nature or art can be.

As an actor, I've grown considerably. It's taken me years to get comfortable doing a romantic scene and dancing on stage in front of a live audience. I've really opened up a lot.

I was appointed Poet Laureate. It came totally out of the blue because most Poet Laureates had been considerably older than I. It was not something that I even had begun to dream about!

Near-zero policy rates that may be considerably expansionary in an economy with high inflation could be contractionary when inflation is too close to zero, or worse, deflation has set in.

If we had only those things which are procured with ease and freedom from danger, we should find the comforts and luxuries, if not many of the necessaries of life, considerably diminished.

People talk about loyalty of players to clubs. But in the everyday world, you don't see people being loyal to their company when they're getting offered considerably better deals elsewhere.

I think one thing that's always a concern to me is you see a role, and you're not seeing the character; you're seeing so-and-so do it. Then I'm taken out of the story considerably, personally.

Male authors always take care to make their heroes at least one inch taller than they are, and considerably more muscular. Just as female authors give their heroines better hair and slimmer thighs.

Oil has become the principal wealth in the hands of the great Yankee transnationals; through this energy source, they had an instrument that considerably expanded their political power in the world.

The Irish move to a very low corporation tax has generated very significant revenue growth, considerably in excess of Britain's, where a slower economy has been combined with a number of stealth taxes.

When we play live show we tend to find there's a whole portion that's a considerably younger demographic. That's quite gratifying. They primarily seem to be into 'The Hurting' which I guess makes sense.

We can't leave people in abject poverty, so we need to raise the standard of living for 80% of the world's people, while bringing it down considerably for the 20% who are destroying our natural resources.

The implementation measures of both Covenants, but especially those of the Covenant concerning civil and political rights, were considerably weakened to the point where they assumed an optional character.

The personality problem is so tough when you're not able to pay people. It's bad enough when you can pay people, but, when you have people working for free, often their motivation is diminished considerably.

The deficit - the U.S. knows our deficit is too large. We are committed to bringing it down. We are bringing it down. The deficit came in for fiscal year '05 at considerably below where it was the prior year.

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