I'm a controversial guy.

Whatever I do becomes controversial.

Innovators are inevitably controversial.

I'm very... controversial for some reason.

I get called 'controversial' all the time.

Everything controversial is good for boxing.

I never really expected to be controversial.

People have an interest in the controversial.

The nation state law has nothing controversial.

I don't like to get involved in controversial things.

I have this idiot name tag which says 'controversial.'

I am really the most controversial artist in the world.

Controversial disputes are a part of democratic culture.

I lost to Lennox Lewis in a very controversial decision.

Thinking of the universe as a computer is controversial.

I have never written out of a desire to be controversial.

I'm controversial. My friends either dislike me or hate me

If journalism is good, it is controversial, by its nature.

I always put in one controversial item. It makes people talk.

Controversial proposals, once accepted, soon become hallowed.

In Japan, violence isn't as controversial as it is in the West.

A public, unified and integrated railway - hardly controversial.

When I am no longer controversial, I will no longer be important

I never thought of myself as a particularly controversial figure.

I'm not a controversial person. I'm not trying to polarise people.

I like gold because it is a stabilizer; it is an insurance policy.

I have never knowingly made a non-controversial speech in my life.

When the policy is controversial, you have to go out and defend it.

It is pretty hard to find the right result to a controversial issue.

Margaret Thatcher was Britain's most controversial modern politician.

It's never my intent to be controversial but I don't shy away from it.

But, you know, sex is controversial, it just is and it always will be.

Michael Flynn is a very controversial figure for a variety of reasons.

I still have this image: I can't be controversial, I can't say things.

I like the idea that my audience doesn't see what I do as controversial.

I've never tried to be controversial. The truth is controversial enough.

Requiem has been controversial because people dont feel I gave it closure.

I may be controversial, but my allegiance is to people outside the Beltway.

I don't see how you can write anything of value if you don't offend someone.

Most writers of entertainment fiction tend to receive controversial reviews.

It's a controversial segment, 'Watters World.' There's controversy around it.

'Requiem' has been controversial because people don't feel I gave it closure.

How could anything non-controversial be of intellectual interest to grown-ups?

Who gets to decide the robotic bill of rights? It's going to be controversial.

I like controversy. The more controversial it gets, the more interesting it is.

Show business is my life. When I was a kid I sold insurance, but nobody laughed.

In the old days, 'controversial' in a relationship meant same-sex or mixed races.

People say I'm controversial. But I think I lead a very balanced and normal life.

When you do controversial work, you're going to upset a certain amount of people.

I just have my characters say my controversial opinions and then hide behind them.

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