My favourite trainers are Converse.

I converse with my dog through ESP.

At home we always converse in Oriya.

Whenever I go to Odisha, I make it a point to converse in Odia.

Yes, I am a Bengali but I am sorry I can't converse in Bengali.

The man as he converses is the lover; silent, he is the husband.

Who ever converses among old books will be hard to please among the new.

Flannel shirts, denim, Converse, a guitar, messy hair? That's literally me.

I never desire to converse with a man who has written more than he has read.

If I want to put on a pair of Converse with a pencil stuck through them, I will.

Every man becomes, to a certain degree, what the people he generally converses with are.

Converse with men makes sharp the glittering wit, But God to man doth speak in solitude.

My perfect guy wears converse, is totally laid back, and doesn't worry about being cool.

It's always been helpful in my experience to just converse with the person in front of me.

Every guy needs a pair of beaten up Converse Chuck Taylors. The coolest sneakers in the world.

I like to wear jeans, Converse and a sweater, so from the back I can sometimes look like a boy!

My idea of an educated person is one who can converse on one subject for more than two minutes.

I'm sort of like the kid that kicks around in Vans, beat-up Converse, ripped jeans, and t-shirts.

It cannot be assumed that equity was following common law whenever they agreed, any more than the converse.

I wear anything I feel like. If I want to put on a pair of Converse with a pencil stuck through them, I will.

It is said that desire is a product of the will, but the converse is in fact true: will is a product of desire.

One of the hallmarks of higher education and of democracy is the ability to converse with people with whom we disagree.

You can't converse with Alzheimer's sufferers in the way you do with others; the dialogue tends to go round in circles.

I was into this one guy that was like, punk and cool and rock 'n roll. So I went out and bought black high top Converse.

For the red carpet, I like a platform heel, but for everyday, it's mostly Converse high-tops or booties with black tights.

I'm a big fan of the laceless Converse for travel, with cute jeans, and throw on a little jacket, and you look presentable.

A king is always a king - and a woman always a woman: his authority and her sex ever stand between them and rational converse.

When our veterans walk into any VA facility, they converse with men and women who speak the unique language of military service.

I feel most comfortable in an old pair of jeans, Converse, and a man's jersey. My best friend cuts my hair with kitchen scissors.

Nike Air Zooms are what I usually run in. In the kitchen, I wear a beaten-up pair of Converse All-Stars in winter and Keds in summer.

However greatly we distrust the sincerity of those we converse with, yet still we think they tell more truth to us than to anyone else.

On a casual day, I'd usually pull out my vintage Levi's, a pair of loafers or beat-up Converse, a bomber jacket, and a button-down shirt.

Prior to 'Snowpiercer,' I've done many other international project that forced me to be in an environment where I had to converse in English.

I would like to sit down with Oprah, just because I'd like to talk to her. I want to sit down and, like, converse. Like, 'Honey, let's chat!'

Good manners is the art of making those people easy with whom we converse. Whoever makes the fewest people uneasy is the best bred in the room.

When I perform, I like to wear funky flats, leather boots or knee-high Converse with bright laces. Then I can dance and not worry about falling.

For me, one of the most important things I look for in an actor is whether we can converse. Do we have a similar ability to discuss a character?

Because it equates tradition with prejudice, the left finds itself increasingly unable to converse with ordinary people in their common language.

President Kennedy said that those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable. I would say that the converse is true.

When I'm not working, you'll find me down the play park or on the Tube with my Converse on and a muslin cloth in my hand, wiping my boy's snotty nose.

My style when I was 17 was very low-key with jeans, T-shirts, and Converse. I was signed to a major record label by then, so I had stylists helping me.

I've always thought that when they say ignorance is bliss, the converse to that is that knowledge is hell. The more you know, the bleaker things can get.

I always wear a pair of colored jeans and fun boots. I have a really cute pair of stars-and-stripes Converse, and I love wearing all my bright Nike shoes.

To sit alone in the lamplight with a book spread out before you, and hold intimate converse with men of unseen generations - such is a pleasure beyond compare.

My style is edgy but really put together. I'm not the kind of girl to walk out of the house in booty shorts and a crop top and Converse. I don't like that look.

Many a man owes his advancement very largely to his ability to converse well. The ability to interest people in your conversation, to hold them, is a great power.

I love good old-fashioned black or white Converse. I have a few pairs. And they are all really dirty. I can't have clean Converse - I go in the dirt and run around!

When I was in high school, I remember, on my Converse sneakers, on one side, I had written 'Social Distortion,' and on the other side, I had written 'Guns N' Roses.'

In order to make a film, you have to operate on many different levels, making all these different forms of expression converse, and so I just followed that intuition.

God is a spirit and converses with us in a quiet atmosphere because our minds are not capable of listening to his voice when they are filled with noise and confusion.

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