I like a gooey cookie.

Elon Musk is a cool cookie.

I guess I'm just a tough cookie.

I'm the chocolate chip cookie king of the world.

I love my chocolate, I love my dessert, I love my cookie dough.

Was there ever a better invention in the cookie world than the Oreo?

Being your own woman, not cookie cutter - that is the greatest luxury!

If bitterness wants to get into the act, I offer it a cookie or a gumdrop.

Once you have a chocolate-chip cookie with whole-wheat flour, you never go back.

I don't hate oatmeal raisin, but it is the worst cookie. Profoundly disappointing.

Remember, sex is like a Chinese dinner. It ain't over 'til you both get your cookie.

I need healthy options around, or else if I get hungry, I'll go straight for a cookie.

I love raw cookie dough, right out of the tube. The other thing I eat is marshmallow fluff.

My mother was a real tough cookie. She raised the three of us, and she worked at the same time.

People have got to learn: if they don't have cookies in the cookie jar, they can't eat cookies.

Sometimes I do give in to a scoop of sitaphal ice cream from Naturals or a chocolate chip cookie.

To be honest, I can't wait to be a dad. I really hope that that's how the cookie crumbles for me.

Words fashioned with somewhat over precise diction are like shapes turned out by a cookie cutter.

Which reminds me of a fortune cookie: you often find your destiny on the path you take to avoid it.

My mother's mother is a very tough cookie. She buried three husbands. Two of them were just napping.

Happiness isn't a fortune in a cookie. It's deeper, wider, funnier, and more transporting than that.

I like cookies, any cookie you put in front of me - animal cookies, sugar cookies, anything crunchy.

You can't just run through a cookie cutter press and crank out a wrestler that looks like Bill Goldberg.

While they're still warm, I like to sandwich a chocolate chip cookie with raspberry stracchiatella gelato.

I just want a lady who can be themselves, it's not a cookie cutter criteria that a woman should fall under.

I tried to go and get my master's in-season. That's a tough cookie to try to eat, but it's just a great thing.

I have a vanilla chai latte every morning, which I usually follow with an oatmeal raisin cookie and eggs for breakfast.

We don't come up with product names like 'Cookie Sugar a la Mode.' We made a commitment that our brand is straightforward.

The Vice-Presidency is sort of like the last cookie on the plate. Everybody insists he won't take it, but somebody always does.

I never carry a purse. My iPhone is always with me, a credit card, and a piece of mint chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream gum.

The Famous Amos Chocolate Chip Cookie was an unexpected, unplanned pop culture phenomena. My father went from star-maker to star.

I always try to make healthy baked goods, like an oatmeal cookie that literally has only oats, nuts, bananas and apple sauce in it.

I was really freaked out when I heard that Cookie Monster was going to be changed to Veggie Monster, but that turned out to be a lie.

I have a bad sweet tooth. I'm pretty good when I have to eat well for work, but otherwise, I could eat a whole roll of raw cookie dough.

I'll eat one cookie, not a whole box of cookies. But I'll still eat the one cookie... sometimes two, or even three. But not the whole box.

I do my best to stay away from dairy, especially ice cream. I've become a cookie monster whenever I want to mess around and eat something cheap.

In some ways, chocolate chip cookie recipes are my favorite algorithms. You put a bunch of bad-for-you stuff in a bowl and get a delicious result.

I've never been very cookie cutter. If I choose something different from the status quo, it's my responsibility and my choice to live my life that way.

I found out when I did the Oprah Winfrey show that there was a cookie jar of me. So she gave it to me. I had no idea prior to that that it even existed.

The most evocative food smell is American seaside food - tuna melts and cookie dough ice cream, or the British version, fish and chips and toffee apples.

Peanut Butter M&Ms in the fridge, I always have a giant bag. Every cookie and candy I put in the fridge, it always manages to taste better when it's cold.

I think that was my biggest fear - censoring myself and putting myself into a cookie cutter to be representative. But I think what I realised is we don't need that.

I don't think Julia Roberts is as innocent as her image suggests. You have to be a really smart cookie to create an image as clean and pure and on-the-money as hers.

Sometimes I feel like, those superheroes, if you threw a cookie at them, they would be more terrified than the villain because they might have to eat a carbohydrate.

Don't expect too much from yourself. What I like to do when I have a day off is make various cookie doughs and freeze them. Then I always have that on hand if I need it.

I accomplished what I set out to do. I wanted the whole cookie, and I got it. Now I want to spend more time with my children - make sure they don't go through what I did.

When we think of classic American desserts, we tend to imagine apple pie and ice cream. However, the most classic American dessert of all might be the chocolate chip cookie.

I have a horrible sweet tooth. It's gotten to the point where if I throw a cookie in the garbage, I have to douse it in Cascade. Otherwise, why wouldn't I take it out and eat it?

There is so much talent in British fashion: a real cookie jar of different aesthetics with designers like Mary Katrantzou, Erdem, Christopher Kane, J. W. Anderson, and Simone Rocha.

I want to open a destination place where you go for the best chocolate chip cookie you've ever had in your life, the biggest champagne list ever, the best fruit tarts you've tasted.

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