There's good and evil going on. We have cops. We have robbers.

Not every cop is bad, not every white person is bad or racist.

I don't know if I'm able to play a cop for the rest of my life.

It's a lot of crooked cops out there. They manipulate the system.

The best car safety device is a rear-view mirror with a cop in it.

An anarchist is someone who doesn't need a cop to make him behave.

I always wanted to be a cop or a fireman or do something dangerous.

I've only played gangsters and cops, and I always have to be serious.

Gomez is a by-the-book cop. He's the only character not to break bad.

Anybody who thinks talk is cheap has never argued with a traffic cop.

His idea of traffic safety is going too fast for the cops to catch up.

I’ve made upwards of a million bucks in the cops and robbers business.

I took a learjet to cop some lipstick Yeah Imma risk it I'm optimistic

They would almost throw the cops in jail when they tried to arrest me.

'The system made me do it' is the perfect cop-out for today's managers.

Know my feelings about traffic laws? Cop didn't see it? I didn't do it.

If we were a dog and God owned us, the cops would come and take us away.

I'd love to do a cop film in America. That's a genre I absolutely adore.

I've framed houses, worked on an asphalt crew, I was a cop, a lifeguard.

I'm super-obsessed with law enforcement. I'm what you'd call a 'cop fan.'

You can't beat a cop drama. That's what everybody seems to want to watch.

'Cop Car' was made with all of my friends. I wrote it with my best friend.

She had wailed loudly enough to wake the dead and make them call the cops.

As a child in awe of my policeman father, I wanted to grow up to be a cop.

I've been saying for about 20 years, 'When am I going to get my cop show?'

When your dad's a cop, calling 911 is really just like calling Dad at work.

I don't watch cop movies much. I TiVo shows. I watch every Larry David show.

I think it's a cop-out to say I'm a Christian but I don't ever do anything...

I wish you could see a new Cro Cop, 15 years younger. I wish it was possible.

A cop by themselves on every corner is not going to make that much difference.

If you believe that I'm a cop killer, you believe David Bowie is an astronaut.

I would like one day to play an FBI cop, just so I can hold the gun and shoot.

[Barack Obama] might say more about these rogue cops and their license to kill.

To me, when I watch movies, it's always fun to watch the bad cop or the bad guy.

Negotiating with Disney isn't like good cop/bad cop; it's like bad cop/Antichrist.

I never in my life saw myself as a game show host. I don't want to be a traffic cop.

I didn't watch a lot of cop shows growing up, but I am a huge fan of 'Southland' now.

Depending on the show, I've played a cop, a criminal, or a victim. So there's a range.

I love cop shows and crime books and thrillers, and before I die I'm gonna play a cop.

Not all detectives are the same - some play bad cop, some are awkward, some are funny.

I do not know if all cops are poets, but I know that all cops carry guns with triggers.

I have played many cop roles in my career, and my effort is to make each role different.

There's a reason there are 50,000 cop shows and firefighter shows: Watching them is cool.

A couple of my favourite cop movies are 'I Love a Man in Uniform' and 'The Long Goodbye.'

I would have played street cop number three if it meant getting to work with Chris Nolan.

Avoid being seized by the police. The cops are not your friends. Don't tell them anything.

Society had a crime problem. It hired cops to attack crime. Now society has a cop problem.

It's a great feeling to know that 100 cops want to stop you doing something and they can't.

I'll cop to this: so much of doing a 22-episode show is just keeping your head above water.

I love Sanjeev Kumar's cop portion in 'Sholay.' Manoj Bajpayee in 'Shool' was also amazing.

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