You're going to find this hard to believe, but cops aren't required to carry emergency condoms." Joe Morelli

I come from a family of cops, and all of them share that understanding that they put their lives on the line.

I think that Medvedev and Putin are in on it together. One is playing the good cop and the other the bad cop.

I would have to commit a crime and have cops chase me. That would be the only way to get me to jog five miles.

I've always loved the idea of the rookie cop vs. the grizzled veteran. A lot of comedy can be mined from that.

I like the yin-yang of a cop's life, where he's part fascist and part saint. That's where the good dramas are.

My dad was a cop, you know, and I grew up three houses down from people who used Confederate flags as curtains.

If you want to be a cop, it's not for everybody, no question about it, but there's no place like New York City.

I like strong women. I think a lot of women relate to strong characters, and a cop is still a strong character.

As a cop, I dealt with every kind of bum and criminal. They all have more integrity than some Hollywood people.

In Rio de Janeiro, every cop has to make a choice. He either turns dirty, keeps his mouth shut, or goes to war.

I am more of the disciplinarian and the bad cop at home. Since Mahesh spoils our son, I have to balance it out.

If a cop sees a person running out of a store with a gun he's seeing a crime. He's not seeing a person standing.

I'll buy metaphor, but simile's a cop-out used by scaredycats who won't commit to anything. Simile's for cowards.

You can run, but you can't hide, Cupcake." Morelli said. "I'll find you." "You are such a cop." "Tell me about it.

It's hard to reinvent the wheel with a cop show. But 'Rookie Blue' has a pure emotional center that's not cynical.

Arnold Schwarzenegger blew away dozens of cops as the Terminator. But I don't hear anybody complaining about that.

It is time to put more cops on the beat and remove our most violent repeat offenders from our neighborhood streets.

My dad was a New York City cop. His father was a New York City fireman. And my mother's dad was a city taxi driver.

I've been watching cop procedurals my entire life, so when I saw an opportunity to make fun of one, I jumped at it.

When I was at a newspaper, I knew what an opportunity that was, and I religiously protected my time on the cop beat.

I am not a cop. Really. I've just been playing one on television so long that people get a little confused sometimes.

I would love to do something like 'Beverly Hills Cop'. I'd get to be funny and cool and heroic all in the same breath.

Civilization is a youth with a molotov cocktail in his hand. Culture is the Soviet tank or L.A. cop that guns him down.

Well, unlike a lot of authors, I will be the one to cop to having a ghostwriter. I've always written with someone else.

'Colors' is pretty good. It takes you inside the cop car bit. I like reality myself. I like reality-based kind of movies.

Once I became a cop and it's like when I got back into drumming; if I focus on something I become that, so I became a cop.

If I'm a criminal, and I'm confronted with a 7-foot tall cop and an albino cop, I'm gonna be so lost, I'm spilling my guts.

I would never defend a cop - though I did on a few private cases, when cops were acting not as cops but as private citizens.

Sinead broke in. "The cops need to know what to do with Evan, Amy. What should I tell them?" "Shoot to kill?" Ian suggested.

Cops must be unleashed, and allowed to administer instant punishment, subject of course to liability when they are in error.

Many number of times I say no when a producer or a director asks me to do a cop's role, unless the film is very interesting.

There are rules in movies. I did a movie playing a bad cop who was a heroin addict but they wouldn't let me smoke in a movie.

'Dragnet' (the 1951 original, transferred nearly intact from radio) served as a veritable template for all cop shows to come.

There's a lot of superhero stuff out there and a lot of cop stuff out there. What we have very little of anymore is adventure.

Playing a cop on TV and working closely with actual cops on set, I do think the media does a disservice to our first responders.

Asians narratively in shows are insignificant. They're the cop or the waitress or whatever it is. You see them in the background.

Now I know why guys like to hug girls. You guys just want to cop a feel. I can't believe that I've fallen for it all these years!

I would do 'Superbad,' and the next offers you would get would all be crazy cop characters or crazy security guards or something.

I play tons of authority figures, whether it's the dad or the cop or the boss. I think it's a combination of how I look, who I am.

Cops have been complaining about morale since police forces were created. I used to complain about it a lot when I was a young cop.

I'll go on record and say it's way more fun riding in front of a cop car then riding in the back cuz you can get out if you want to.

I've never been a cop hater. You know, when I was breaking the law, the cops were the opponent. I just thought I could outsmart them.

It's an interesting situation to be in to play a cop on TV and to know so many police officers through our training and our advisors.

Ask any cop, and they'll assure you that it doesn't exactly take a forensics team from NCIS to figure out that someone is an illegal.

Growing up a career cop, I was always taught, 'Stay out of politics.' I didn't have any particular allegiance to any particular party.

For the most part, cops are decent and honorable, but that's how I know that there are bad cops, cops that you think you know so well.

Karma is not a cop-out. The esoteric meaning of karma is that you are who you are, because of what you have done and who you have been.

I`m a former mayor. I know that being a cop is not an easy job. But when police officers misbehave, they`ve got to be held accountable.

I know there were many good policemen who died doing their duty. Some of the cops were even friends of ours. But a cop can go both ways.

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