I spend more time in suits than anyone in the corporate world.

People are everything in education, just as in the corporate world.

Even fairly serious moviegoers can't shake this shadow of the corporate world.

Ambivalence about family responsibilities has a long history in the corporate world.

The corporate world is appallingly bad at capitalizing on the strengths of its people.

I have long believed the corporate world is plagued by poor capital allocation decisions.

The corporate world has the resources to improve the world. It's where people live and work.

I haven't seen a single institution in the corporate world operating smoothly without a HR team.

Everyone I know who used to be in the intelligence community is moving into the corporate world.

I hope to goodness I would not still be working in the corporate world - the money is OK but it is no life at all.

The TV industry is a corporate world. People come, people go. They leave for growth, money, and many other reasons.

I think the presumption is, for some reason, anybody who comes from the business or the corporate world is corrupt.

Women say things that are direct - they are told they are too abrasive. I got that feedback in the corporate world.

I'm always surprised when the corporate world does stupid things, because they're often not very stupid in hindsight.

In the corporate world, there's, like, a 300 percent markup. In our world, we normally don't go above a 100 percent markup.

I specifically left the corporate world so I could wear T-shirts, blue jeans, and honestly, I always wanted to be my own boss.

Writers can feel pretty powerless in the big corporate world of publishing, but sometimes our greatest power is the ability to say 'no.'

Every year in consulting is like three years in the corporate world because you have multiple clients, multiple issues - you grow so much.

There's certain artists that are meant to have certain paths and go the way of the corporate world. And then there are artists who are artists.

The American people hit the streets and did something that the government wouldn't do: the Civil Rights Act. It didn't go down well with the corporate world.

I had, at a point in time, decided not to write on the corporate world. But if people expect me to set stories in a work environment, then why go away from it?

For my film 'Fashion,' like an investigative journalist, I went about knowing the people, the models, the fashion designers. Similarly with the corporate world.

My father is a very successful man in the corporate world, and I am his only son. He had certain dreams for me. I was scared to tell him that I wanted to be an actor.

I've done reasonably well over the last 10 years because I took the strategy of language and politics and applied it to the corporate world, which has never been done before.

I come from the corporate world, where everyone has a five-year plan, but performing arts doesn't work that way; you just kinda do the best job you can with the gig you've got.

After my health suffered due to the stress of running my second company, I had to switch careers. But I still didn't want to go back to the corporate world. So I became an academic.

When I first entered the corporate world, doing good and making money were seen as separate and contradictory threads. Challenging that notion set my career - and life - on a new course.

And so I'm still giving some thought - I will transition hopefully into the corporate world. And I look forward to getting involved in several other areas that I have a great interest in.

I realized that, after tasting entrepreneurship, I had become unfit for the corporate world. There was no turning back. The only regret I had was having wasted my life in the corporate world for so long.

I remember how, in the corporate world, I always knew there was some higher position I could attain, which meant that, like Zeno's arrow, I was guaranteed never to arrive and always to remain dissatisfied.

If you're trying to get ahead in the corporate world, appearing smart in meetings should be your top priority. This can be hard if you find yourself daydreaming about Mexico, margaritas or queso cheese dip.

The corporate sector in my view is the most important since it is actively involved in the shaping of our life on the planet. The corporate world has the power and the means to influence politics and public trends.

I'm not a trained academic. Neither am I a veteran social worker. I was 26 years in the corporate world, trying to make organizations profitable. And then in 2003 I started Parikrma Humanity Foundation from my kitchen table.

Financial institutions, the corporate world and civil society - all must uphold high standards of probity in their working. Only a genuine partnership between the Government and its people can bring about positive change to create a just society.

My mom was the first African-American woman to graduate from the University of Chicago Law School, in 1946. She had leadership roles in the law, in government and the corporate world. She was a great role model in that she felt anything was possible.

In the corporate world, there is no ground more fertile for appearing smart than the rich earth that is electronic communication. Your email writing, sending and ignoring skills are just as important as your nodding skills, and even more important than your copying and pasting skills.

When I finally accepted a full time job, I saw that as giving up on my artistic dreams. But three years later, I wrote a blog post based on life in the corporate world, which went viral and became the basis for my first book, which allowed me to quit my job to be creatively independent once again.

Harman International's dedication to research and development, as well as its strict adherence to quality manufacturing, are well known throughout the corporate world. The opportunity to lead a company with such high standards, worldwide reputation, and outstanding growth potential is extremely appealing.

Most people that derail as leaders in the corporate world, it's not because they couldn't do the math and calculate return on investment properly. The issues are communication and understanding. All of what typically would've been called the 'soft stuff.' You have to be authentic. You have to be dialed into the soft stuff.

I think the corporate world is pretty starved for personality. The reason you have comic strips like 'Dilbert' and sitcoms like 'The Office' is that people just can't be genuine human beings in a corporate environment. So if you can really be your own self, even if it's a little bit different, I think people are really drawn to that.

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