A corporation has no soul.

Corporations must pay tax.

I don't represent corporations.

Not every corporation's idyllic.

I'm a man without a corporation.

Corporations are people, my friend.

Corporations are the new dictators.

I don't believe corporations are people.

I've been around the bend in corporations.

Corporations are "worms in the body politic"

I do think corporations should pay their tax.

The Internet is corporations all the way down.

American corporations hate to give away money.

Corporate newspeak leads to corporate nothink.

Corporations aren’t people. People are people.

One in four corporations doesn't pay any taxes.

Corporations and businesses [don't] create jobs.

It is in the long run that the corporation lives.

We live in a nation where corporations are people.

The Fourth Amendment doesn't apply to corporations.

Corporations cook very differently from how people do.

Entrepreneurs should never work with big corporations.

Life, especially in America, is ruled by corporations.

I was approached personally by the Gibson Corporation.

Everything corporations earn ultimately goes to people.

Corporations in communities need to be better neighbors.

Obama & McCain differ, but neither takes on corporations.

Small business creates more jobs than large corporations.

To survive, men and business and corporations must serve.

I'm not backed by the super PACs and the big corporations.

The industrial corporation is the natural enemy of nature.

Democracy can't be just for billionaires and corporations.

Corporations can have no soul but they can love each other.

Painting is like being a lawyer and attacking a corporation.

It is a government by the corporations, for the corporations.

My agility is the CEO of the United Global Agility Corporation

I feel like the government is more evil than most corporations.

To equate a corporation with a person is a travesty of justice.

Liberals hate corporations, folks. Corporations are not people.

In a corporation, there can only be one guy in the end: the CEO.

Corporations want stable, reliable, and easy-to-maintain systems.

I don't represent large corporations and I don't want their money.

Then I was president of the Bakelite Corporation from 1910 to 1930

You don't have to work for a big corporation if you don't want to.

There is so much bad manners and oafishness in large corporations.

The definition of fascism is The marriage of corporation and state.

Brought to you by The Corporation: In your homes and in your pants.

Designers, stay away from corporations that want you to lie for them

Corporations, like nations, do not have friends. They have interests.

We don't separate out men and women working together in corporations.

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