Don't have a cow, man.

It's like hunting cows

Ask me. I'm a cow expert.

Cease, cows, life is short.

Kiss till the cow comes home.

Cows scream louder than carrots.

Cows are the Devil's handmaidens.

I'm a cowboy who never saw a cow.

Sacred cows make great hamburgers.

The cow to me is a sermon on pity.

God sends a curst cow short horns.

Total contentment is only for cows.

Irreverence is our only sacred cow.

Never kick a cow chip on a hot day.

We spend more on cows than the poor.

Cows are gentle, interesting animals.

Sacred cows make very poor gladiators.

Steak is delicious and cows are stupid.

A poore mans Cow dies a rich mans child.

Sacred cows make the tastiest hamburger.

Milk many cows but make your own butter.

Cowboys make better lovers: Ask any cow.

Who will sell the Cow, must say the word.

You is what you am, a cow don't make ham.

Cow-slaughter can never be stopped by law.

I grew up cleaning stalls and milking cows.

Once you kill a cow, you gotta make a burger

My cow is not pretty, but it is pretty to me.

The cow is the purest type of sub-human life.

A dairymaid can milk cows to the glory of God

I cannot harness a horse. I am afraid of a cow.

The central fact of Hinduism is cow protection.

Don't milk the cow too hard. She will kick you.

If you do not milk the cow fully, it falls sick.

"You got beef, bring your cow, I will cattle you"

Ive never met a general yet who could milk a cow.

I have no affinity for cows. I mean, they're cool.

A cat's meow and cow's moo, I can recite them all.

Mother cow is as useful dead as when she is alive.

Moo may represent an idea, but only the cow knows.

Maple-trees are the cows of trees (spring-milked).

The money in politics is a cash cow for the media.

Cows are a lot smarter across the board than bulls.

Politicians regard the public as a cow to be milked

A publisher who writes is like a cow in a milk bar.

Cow preservation is an article of faith in Hinduism.

Cow protection is the gift of Hinduism to the world.

Religion is a cow. It gives milk, but it also kicks.

With a tongue like a cow, she could make you go wow.

Board the cows! We've come to enslave your marigolds.

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