Being a screenwriter is not enough for a full creative life.

To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong.

Over the course of my creative life, I've trafficked in broken, heroic mothers.

Work infuses my whole life. My creative life is my real life, so it's hard to separate.

My hope is that one day I'll be able to work and have a quieter life, but still a creative life.

I believe that my whole creative life stemmed from this magic hour under the stars on that hilltop.

I was quite satisfied with my creative life. I've always had reinforcement from a small but devoted readership.

In my creative life, David Bowie is definitely an enormous influence on me, being one of rock's greatest shapeshifters.

Collaboration is a vital part of my creative life. I've had success with Guy Clark and Waylon Jennings and Johnny Cash.

When it comes to your creative life and what it's going to take, you will do a disservice to everybody if you just dabble.

The truth is that wreaths have never really been part of my creative life. I like them and want them and know how to do them.

That little window like 2004 through like 2010 was probably the most, like most inspiring time of my creative life, for sure.

I am tapping into a place in you that is unexplored, and very dangerous, but I think essential to the creative life of an artist.

One of the great joys of a creative life is that your observations and loose moments aren't lost forever; they live in your work.

The possibility of being as free with the camera as we are with the pen is a fantastic prospect for the creative life of the 21st century.

It took me a long time to even dare to envision myself as a writer. I was very uncertain and hesitant and afraid to pursue a creative life.

At the very beginning of my creative life I loved humanity. I wanted to do something good for mankind. Soon I understood that it isn't possible to save mankind.

I wanted to do a movie about being really good at something, yet being socially awkward and not as advanced in your personal life as you are in your creative life.

I realised as a teenager that I was destined for a creative life and found that fashion design was something I enjoyed and was a potentially successful career path.

Your creative life can continue to just turn inside out and evolve in ways that you can't possibly imagine, whether or not you decide to be a parent. It doesn't matter.

I get lonely - I'm not going to lie about that... I kind of signed up in my mind that I'm giving myself wholeheartedly, full-throttle to my creative life, and I don't want to be distracted.

All my life I've had the privilege to make my living with my imagination, and the most important thing has been to see my creative life grow. I was educated to do that and have lived accordingly.

Becoming a writer, and then a director, was taking my creative life in my own hands, and wanting to have stories that I wanted to put out into the world - and I have fallen in love with directing.

I am always talking to students and telling them how you have to practice every day because you can't wait for someone to hire you. You need something you do for yourself, something that feeds your creative life.

I really don't know where my interest in death comes from. Maybe I've just got a twisted imagination. The truth is, I haven't had a hugely eventful life - maybe I'm compensating in my creative life. Or maybe I'm just a bit sick.

I've had the thought that a person's 'artistic vision' is really just the cumulative combination of whatever particular stances he has sincerely occupied during his creative life - even if some of those might appear contradictory.

Fame is part of me and my life as an actor. I enjoy the creative aspects of my life as an actor. I enjoy directing and acting as well. But the bottom line for me is not prestige and power. It's about having an exciting, creative life.

Creative life should be more than preaching to the converted, more than going for a core audience of 100,000 people. It should be taking risks, challenging the readership and having enough faith in one's own talent and craft to take readers on that ride.

The bearing, rearing, feeding and educating of children; the running of a house with its thousand details; human relationships with their myriad pulls - women's normal occupations in general run counter to creative life, or contemplative life, or saintly life.

As a writer of both novels and screenplays, I can say that screenwriting is a vastly rewarding creative life - if you fight hard enough to do it on your own terms. Whether I write books or not, my screenwriting life has been creatively rewarding and remains so.

My idea in terms of managing a narrative, or in thinking in my creative life, is that you could easily argue that the past, the present and the future all occur simultaneously, and if you can postulate that, then you're not strictly bound to a linear narrative.

The quality of one's emotional life changes over the years, doesn't it? But the basic instincts and desires, greed and hope, seem to remain constant. In the larger scope of things, there's a sense of fulfillment to living a creative life. So I guess that's what keeps me going.

The momentum of my creative life and intellectual growth is still the momentum of breaking out of fundamentalism. Because of that, I'm very grateful for it. But I'm also grateful that at the center of it was something that I still believe to be true - those fundamentals of faith.

When anyone starts out to do something creative - especially if it seems a little unusual - they seek approval, often from those least inclined to give it. But a creative life cannot be sustained by approval, any more than it can be destroyed by criticism - you learn this as you go on.

Your personal life, your professional life, and your creative life are all intertwined. I went through a few very difficult years where I felt like a failure. But it was actually really important for me to go through that. Struggle, for me, is the most inspirational thing in the world at the end of the day - as long as you treat it that way.

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