I am a creative person.

I am a very creative person.

A creative person has to #‎ create .

I am obviously a very creative person.

I'm not an executive. I'm a creative person.

I'm a creative person, so I have to stay busy.

I can't be a creative person if I'm a celebrity.

What drives the creative person is that we see it all.

As a creative person, you want to start with a blank canvas.

As a creative person, I think one should follow one's heart.

As a creative person, to do anything I need to get inspired.

Being a creative person, I want to feel the highs and the lows.

I am a creative person. I like painting, singing, dancing, etc.

As a creative person, you want to have a foothold and sense of progress.

There's an eternal war between a creative person and the business person.

As a director and a creative person, I can say banning anything is wrong.

For any creative person, along with learning, unlearning is also important.

I'm really excited for the future, and I'm a very extremely creative person.

A truly creative person rids him or herself of all self-imposed limitations.

I don't see myself as necessarily a very creative person. I'm a technical guy.

As a creative person, you never embark on something thinking it will be substandard.

The thing that makes a creative person is to be creative and that is all there is to it.

If you're a creative person, what inspires you is always changing; it's always shifting.

If you are a creative person, you try to create things that are an extension of yourself.

I'm a very creative person in general. I like to create stuff in my downtime off the court.

That's always the time to quit - when you have nothing to say as an artist and creative person.

I feel that if you are a creative person, you choose various mediums to give vent to your ideas.

As a creative person you just get an idea in your head, and sometimes you just can't shake it off.

You have to recognize as a creative person that not everyone's going to be into what you're doing.

As a creative person, you have to keep going. There's no defined career path. There's no security.

As a creative person, you just put something out into the consciousness of the society you live in.

I'm a creative person, and I'm gonna be creative, so whoever's upset because of that, that's too bad.

I respect Drake not only as a creative person but as a business mind as well. I think Drake's important.

I'm not in it for the money. No, no. I like to run a business that's successful... I'm a very creative person.

If you are a creative person, then your mind gets sharper with age. My mind is very sharp, and I am happy for that.

I could be baking a cake and I'll do it a certain way. If you're just a creative person, it'll come out no matter what.

But I'm more of a recluse when it comes down to being a writer and being a creative person rather than being a celebrity.

I am a salesman, I am an executive, I look at budgets, I think about power politics, but then I am also a creative person.

I've always been a creative person, and I'd always wanted to paint, so I went to art school and began painting and sculpting.

I think as a creative person, anything you put in front of an artist, any type of medium, your specific tastes will come out.

I'm not a very creative person, you know? I'm not really an art person. I'm not a great reader or writer or artist or musician.

If you have the ideas, and you're a creative person, then you don't really differentiate in how your ideas manifest themselves.

Any journey of a creative person has, you know, really unusual challenges and years where you don't work and years where you work.

I'm a super creative person and have always loved drawing and painting since I was super young, but makeup was a new avenue for me.

If you're in Bollywood and working in any category, and you receive a Filmfare Award for it, it's a huge thing for any creative person.

I'm a very creative person, but that side of me was suppressed because I was academic. I was depressed at school, and I didn't know why.

It is important to make your own stuff. Even if you are not an actor, it is important to not stop involving yourself as a creative person.

I find cooking very therapeutic. As a creative person, I relish cooking because it's such a creative process. You can cook anything out of anything.

Being a creative person, I'm naturally drawn towards art of any kind. But I'm more attracted to paintings because they radiate an aura of their own.

I am a creative person and watching a movie is like writing a story. So when I see a movie, I also see the editing, the music, the camera angles, etc.

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