My past behaviour makes me cringe.

I cringe when I watch myself on TV.

I hear luxury brand names, I cringe.

Whenever I hear a baby cry, I cringe.

I don't really cringe over any of my albums.

Most people cringe at the thought of a casserole.

You're not going to find me cringe from my record.

I can't stand to see myself act. It just makes me cringe.

I'm the thing that fundamentalist Christians cringe over.

I hate eating food on camera - I always cringe afterwards!

The reality is almost everything I do I cringe about later.

All those Bob Hope specials made me cringe when I was a kid.

I did not glow with the thrill of battle. Cringe, yes. Glow, no.

It makes a lot of people cringe, the idea of being a team player.

The thought of being a boy makes me cringe. I just couldn't do it.

I often don't see what I've done, or I cringe when I watch myself.

To be a celebrity, I couldn't think of anything more cringe-worthy.

When I look back at the way that I was in that documentary I cringe.

When I look at pictures when I was younger, I do the quintessential cringe.

I don't want to see old people doing rap or rock and roll. It makes me cringe.

I hear my voice and I cringe, I kind of hear Philadelphia in there, my hometown.

Not all cultural borrowing is a form of social violence: some of it is just cringe.

Success is feminine and like a woman, if you cringe before her, she will override you

Seeing myself on the screen makes me cringe. I understand that I am that way - pouty.

I cringe when critics say I'm a master of the popular novel. What's an unpopular novel?

Five years from now I'm probably going to look back on the things I'm doing and cringe.

I cringe inside when anybody gives me something. I don't know why. I just get embarrassed.

When I first met Clint Eastwood, I bobbed him a curtsy. I still cringe about that to this day.

It's quite hard not to cringe at your own music; you're always a bit annoyed at some parts of it.

I cringe when I watch myself on camera. I'm not articulate, and I'm dyslexic, but somehow it works.

I don't cringe when I think of doing old material. A lot of the people have been with me through the years.

There is too much acceptance of people saying, 'I am a math person, or I am an artsy person.' It makes me cringe.

I really cringe at the sight of pattypan squash. So pretty and cute and having no taste or exciting texture. Dull.

I never thought for a second that anything I ever did was going to make someone cringe. That never occurred to me.

Early on, I found the attention completely embarrassing. I'd cringe if I saw my picture on the cover of a magazine.

I was terrified about people knowing I was gay. I'd cringe inside at the idea that they'd be talking behind my back.

There's no pressure on me to be a particular weight. But I loathe being renowned as a 'larger' model. It makes me cringe.

I am someone who really would like to see more women in government, but Palin makes me cringe every time I hear about her.

I sort of cringe when I hear myself say the word 'work.' Getting to do something you love to do never really feels like work.

Usually, watching yourself is pretty awful. People think we all love watching our own films. We don't. We cringe away from it.

I would cringe when asked to dance. I still remember having to wake up early from Class VI to learn Bharatanatyam. I hated it.

I say really stupid things sometimes. When I go back and watch some of my old interviews from when I was younger, I just cringe.

I watch 'The Great British Bake Off' in the way I used to watch people kiss on TV in front of my parents when I was young. Cringe.

There's something about each of my books that I'm really proud of, and there's something about each of my books that I cringe over.

Successful fiction does not need to be validated by 'real life'; I cringe whenever a writer is asked how much of a novel is 'real'.

At times, my very own media makes me cringe, and occasionally out loud. By the way, nothing clears the head like an out-loud cringe.

I literally cringe every time I see someone trying to trash talk. Some people just don't have it and they try, and I find that funny.

I sit down with my coach to watch past performances. But I can be very critical. I don't watch myself very often - it makes me cringe!

I think when you host a radio show, just like Jon Stewart hosts a show, I think sometimes I bring up stuff... that makes people cringe.

Yeah, I know, any time you hear an actor say, 'I do music', you cringe. But I want to be gradual with my music. I want to earn my stripes.

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