Critics matter to me.

I know all the critics.

Time is the only critic.

Everybody hates critics.

I don't read the critics.

Critics are already made.

I never wish for critics.

Everybody's an art critic.

It's funny to be a critic.

Be a doer and not a critic.

Critics matter to me a lot.

We're our own worst critics.

The critics don't bother me.

I'm a tough critic on myself.

I don't listen to the critics.

It's those damn critics again.

It's not the critic who counts.

I don't make films for critics.

I don't care about the critics.

The only critic is a full house.

I wanna grow up and be a critic.

For I am nothing if not critical.

No critic ever changed the world.

I don't pay attention to critics.

Critics are eunuchs at a gang bang.

I DJ and I'm a harsh critic of DJs.

Cavil you may, but never criticise.

All critics should be assassinated.

I'm a harsh critic, you know? I am.

The critics don't build great cities

Critics should find meaningful work.

I'm a very vicious critic of myself.

I like critics with strong opinions.

I am a little god! Critics, be gone!

Women critics are amazons in climax.

I love having critics for breakfast.

You are always going to have critics.

CAVILER, n. A critic of our own work.

I don't make clothes for the critics.

Sociological critics are waste makers.

Aren't maids the ultimate art critics?

Young people need models, not critics.

A critic is a man who expects miracles.

All art critics are useless or harmful.

The Canadian voice is still too rustic.

And make each day a critic on the last.

Youth need less critics and more models.

Art critics are like every other critic.

There are no statues erected to critics.

A "critic" is a man who creates nothing.

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