When the curtain falls no one is ready

Pessimism drops the curtain on tomorrow.

Bring down the curtain, the farce is over

An iron curtain has descended over Europe.

We will draw the curtain and show you the picture.

Leave the shower curtain on the inside of the tub.

The light can be a curtain as well as the darkness.

My greatest trouble is getting the curtain up and down.

Obviously some cheap motel is missing a shower curtain.

Remember to tuck the shower curtain inside the bathtub.

For many of us, the curtain had just come down on childhood.

Fall the deep curtains, delicate the weave, fair the thread.

When the curtain rises, the only thing that speaks is courage.

Let us draw the curtain of charity over the rest of this scene

All I'm doing is rearranging the curtains in the insane asylum.

... and the very folds of the curtains contained secrets and sighs.

That's it. Curtains. Off to the races. Treetops. Seashells and balloons.

Don't thank me,' Mr. Curtain called as the door slid closed. 'Impress me!

There's something in life that's a curtain, and I keep trying to raise it.

If Everton were playing down the bottom of my garden, I'd draw the curtains.

When we went on the air, I didn't want to be interrupted for an act-one curtain.

I have these lacy shirts that look kind of like my grandma's curtains that I wear.

The best prophets lead you up to the curtain and let you peer through for yourself.

Au contraire..." "What?" Constance demanded. Curtain blinked. ~ The Perilous Journey

There's the fatigue that you have to forget about, because the red curtain still has to rise.

The curtains would open and it would be just her standing in some ludicrous pose, like Aphrodite.

At night, when the curtains are drawn and the fire flickers, my books attain a collective dignity.

Let the thick curtain fall;I better know than allHow little I have gained,How vast the unattained.

As soon as you just walk through the curtains and the crowd's there, everything's good after that.

You had to make sure that the tone of your dress was not the same tone as the curtains, for instance.

The one charm about the past is that it is the past. But women never know when the curtain has fallen.

I don't live for stuff and things, and if I had to live in a cardboard box, I would put curtains on it.

It is well for young men to have a model, but let them draw the curtain over it while they are painting.

We are all just little dolls of ourselves. Who occasionally pull back the curtains to reveal the real us.

There is someone who looks after us from behind the curtain. In truth we are not here, this is our shadow.

I have a lot of gadgets, remote controls for everything - the curtains, pool cover - it's like The Jetsons!

What's exciting is there's a curtain that divides the audience from this other world. You want to see behind.

My dad was a cop, you know, and I grew up three houses down from people who used Confederate flags as curtains.

After all, no one is ever taken in by the happy ending, but we are often divinely fuddled by the tragic curtain.

For a modern look, hang curtains from the ceiling with a very simple pleat at the top so they will hang straight.

I might occasionally forget how to open a car door and have too many shower curtains, but I've got some standards.

You're going to get violated in that ring. I am going to close the curtain on the joke that is the Audley Harrison show.

We humans have always needed rituals to draw like curtains over the chasms of the unknown. Without them we go mad, I think.

i feel like a curtain has dropped away and i'm seeing people for who they really are, different, and sharp, and unknowable.

I am the Wizard of Oz of housewives (in that I am both "Great and Terrible" and because I sometimes hide behind the curtains

To be admitted to Nature's hearth costs nothing. None is excluded, but excludes himself. You have only to push aside the curtain.

Busy old fool, unruly Sun, why dost thou thus through windows and through curtains call on us? Must to thy motions lovers seasons run?

You see these thick curtains shut out the daylight: artificial light suits me a great deal better; it's absolutely steady, and much more exciting.

The hardest skill to master was finding the right lash for my eye. Eyes are the windows to the soul, and some windows need blinds instead of curtains.

Men do change, and change comes like a little wind that ruffles the curtains at dawn, and it comes like the stealthy perfume of wildflowers hidden in the grass.

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