In Europe, a great dancer might be on the same level as a movie star. In America, not so.

I have been very lucky to work in so many new ballets, but that is what a dancer's work is.

I haven't had a family, but I don't think of that as a sacrifice: my dancers are my family.

We were tap-dancers but we put more style into it, more bodywork, instead of just footwork.

Shall we go dance the hay, the hay? Never pipe could ever play Better shepherd's roundelay.

What's a dancer's worst enemy? Sometimes it's age, but sometimes it's the dancer themselves.

There was this long lovely dancer in a little club downtown, love to watch her do her stuff.

Modern dancers should be doing things no one else is doing, and it should come from the gut.

I would imagine that if you could understand Morse code, a tap dancer would drive you crazy.

My only drive was to be the best dancer in the world, but I never won the world championship.

Making the ballet really taught me how to get things moving. Ballet dancers don't stand still.

Anybody cannot be a dancer. A dancer must have a certain posture, gestures, height, behaviour.

I closed my eyes to watch tiny dancers like jeweled birds cross the dark screen of my eyelids.

Well, I am as much a cheerleader for President Obama as Sen. McConnell is a Chippendale dancer.

My choreography suits men very well, and the women who can do it are damn hard, strong dancers.

No dancer can watch Fred Astaire and not know that we all should have been in another business.

We are a very typical Spanish family - a bullfighter, an actress, a flamenco dancer and singer!

I really wanted to be a dancer, but I just wasn't good enough to do that so that didn't happen.

I never wanted to be a dancer. It's true! I wanted to be a shortstop for the Pittsburgh Pirates.

In France, ballet is on TV ... It's on the eight-o'clock news. It's a cool thing to be a dancer.

I'm not an egomaniac like a lot of people say. But I am the world's best dancer, that's for sure.

I liked museums but I wanted to be a dancer, I wanted to go into performing arts, or be a writer.

I will never give up my dream of being a prima ballerina and backup dancer for Justin Timberlake!

I don't think of myself as a dancer. I think of myself as a singer-actress who moves really well.

Fred Astaire was a more formal, trained dancer who loved waltzing and only danced with the girls.

Since I was a kid, I've been a dancer, and, of course, I'll always be a dancer till the day I die.

Dancing is not one of my talents. But when you've had a few drinks anyone is a good dancer, right?

I was a dancer and didn't ever think I could become a female wrestler, but here I am and doing it.

I'd rather be a guy that can build a house or fix a car than be able to walk like a ballet dancer.

I love Abby Lee Miller. Honestly, if there's such a thing as past lives, I was definitely a dancer.

I actually wanted to be an exotic dancer, but that didn't work out so I thought I'd take on acting.

I was a gymnast for many years before I was a dancer, so it comes in pretty handy when I do stunts.

I was bullied about everything, from the way I looked to the fact that my father had been a dancer.

But you do have to start young as a dancer if you're going to achieve the physical skills necessary.

For me, a dancer is part of an artist’s entertainment - “backup dancer” isn’t even in my vocabulary.

When you're a dancer who is injured, you are at the bottom of the food chain. We are so replaceable.

I was a gymnast for many years before I was a dancer, so it comes in pretty handy when we do stunts.

I want to get past the Playboy image and really develop myself as an actress, a dancer and a singer.

I think most dancers would agree that the art of ballet chooses the dancer, not the other way around.

I was a dancer, so for me, if I don't work out for a week or move my body in some sense, I feel weird.

As a dancer I've always checked my body constantly; 'Am I having a good day or am I having a fat day?'

I had wanted to be a dancer when I was younger. But at some point I figured out I was a better singer.

Certainly the life of a dancer is very difficult. The training is very hard and relentlessly grueling.

There are a lot of things that dancers can do that actors cannot and actors can do that dancers cannot.

One of our problems is our sense of discipline - dancers have an extraordinary sense of self-discipline.

I will push myself in different ventures that I believe will make me a better artist, dancer and person.

I'm not gonna change my way of dance because I lost and the judge tells me I should do it a certain way.

My curves became an integral part of who I am as a dancer, not something I needed to lose to become one.

A lot of people don't know the first time I was ever on national television I was a 'Soul Train' dancer.

No person can ever know everything that is in the heart of another. We are all Face Dancers in our souls.

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