I heard a lot in school, 'You've got a really great talent, but there's no way you're going to be a dancer with that body.'

Participants in dance, both dancers and viewers, may experience catharsis and develop a sense of mastery or self-discovery.

I grew up always wanting to be a dancer and when I went to New York, I fell in love with the idea of performing in all ways.

When they do let them sustain on screen from head to toe, though, then you know they must think the person is a good dancer.

I'm still trying to change the way people see black dancers that we can become delicate dancers, that we can be a ballerina.

Physical expression was my first language: Before I was an actor, I was a dancer, an acrobat, a mime and a street performer.

When I first moved to New York I wanted to be a dancer, I danced professionally for years, living a hand-to-mouth existence.

Before I got into stand-up, I used to be a hip-hop dancer in a crew, and my name was J. Smoove, and my partner was J. Groove.

The Dancer believes that his art has something to say which cannot be expressed in words or in any other way than by dancing.

Each time a dancer moves devoutly or a composer faithfully searches the silence for the veiled melodies, eternity is engaged.

I was a Ukrainian folk dancer in my teens, and I toured the country in 1991, shortly before the break-up of the Soviet Union.

For me, I'm a dancer first. I could be the President of the United States, and I will always be a dancer, first and foremost.

I wanted to inspire every little girl who wants to be a dancer to fire their imagination about the joys of being on the stage.

I remember from when I use to be a dancer, there is an expression among dancers, I had a T-shirt that said: SHUT UP AND DANCE.

My mother, Barbara, was a dancer from the age of 14 to 19. She toured with the comedian Max Wall in a dance group of six girls.

A dancer's life is hard - it is so physically demanding, and at any moment, you could have an injury that could end your career.

The connection between conscious and unconscious poses particular problems in the dancer because the body is the soul of action.

This journey from non-dancer to dancer has given me a lot of self-confidence and inner strength. I feel like a different person.

People strangely revere dance. They see it as another world, and dancers are somehow mysterious - just because they don't speak.

I used to get so comfortable running the hurdles, I was just like a ballet dancer going out there and going through the routines.

I'm a classical ballet dancer, and at the end of the day I want to be with American Ballet Theater, performing classical ballets.

The Internet has perceived me as this fantastic dancer. I can still do a couple pirouettes, but I am by no means a proper dancer.

I am into belly dancing. I used to only hang with comics. Now I have friends who are dancers, and my whole house has a harem feel.

I've always been a figure skater and ballet dancer. I love physical comedy, and any chance that I get to do that... that is so me.

Going on stage and transcending the audience and becoming this otherworldly thing makes you a dancer. It's not so black and white.

I'm not a great dancer. I'm a great advertisement for freedom of expression. I don't care what you think. I'm having a great time.

Being a functioning alcoholic is kind of like being a paraplegic lap dancer: You can do it, just not as well as the others, really.

Dancers are kept in a perpetual state of pre-puberty, and for young girls in particular, that type of pressure breeds insecurities.

Storyless is not abstract. Two dancers on the stage are enough material for a story; for me, they are already a story in themselves

I was sort of a jack-of-all-trades in show business for a long time. I was a singer and a dancer, and then I got a job as an actor.

I've always wanted to be a professional dancer, I'd always wanted to be a ballerina. I trained for 13 years but it never came to be.

It's important for a dancer to wear very tight underpants. I used to feel a bit exposed if I wasn't being held up in the right place.

Hoop Dancer is a rendering of my understanding of the process by which one enters into timelessness -- that place where one is whole.

I danced in a Lifetime film. We shot in Canada and I got to work with a lot of the dancers who do So You Think You Can Dance, Canada.

You...are...a...fridge...with wings,' Fang ground out, punching an Eraser hard with every word. 'We're...freaking...ballet...dancers.

I know that I'm talented, and I know that I'm not in American Ballet Theater because I'm black - I'm here because I'm a gifted dancer.

Say, what abridgement have you for this evening? What masque, what music? How shall we beguile The lazy time if not with some delight?

People have asked me why I chose to be a dancer. I did not choose. I was chosen to be a dancer, and with that, you live all your life.

From the time I was 2, I told my mom I was going to be a singer. And she'd say, 'Sure, honey, and tomorrow you'll want to be a dancer.'

I prefer musicals, because I am the best dancer who ever lived. The best plies, the best sashays, and by far the best-smelling Capezios.

I grew up dancing, and my ballet teacher was literally a drill sergeant; she was so strict and so scary. And it made me a better dancer.

I trained as a ballet dancer - well, I started when I was two and a half, and was serious about it from when I was eight until I was 18.

Well, I was sort of a jack-of-all-trades in show business for a long time. I was a singer and a dancer and then I got a job as an actor.

My dad is a director/producer and my mom is a dancer; she performed with Alvin Ailey, but I didn't even think about becoming an actress.

When I was younger, people would always say, 'Are you a ballet dancer?' I had that look - one of those skinny kids with my hair in a bun.

The mob, when they are gazing at a dancer on the slack rope, naturally writhe and twist and balance their own bodies, as they see him do.

In my heart, my first desire was to be a dancer. I always wanted to dance and I danced from the time I was 7 till I was well into my 30s.

I didn't want to be a dancer. I just did it to work my way through college. But I was always an athlete and gymnast, so it came naturally.

I wanted to be an Ailey dancer. I would watch Alvin Ailey videos over and over, and I'd picture myself doing that. I was obsessed with it.

Desire is the first thing a modern dancer should have. Skill can be developed. But if you don't have desire as a modern dancer, forget it.

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