A photographer is part pick-pocket and part tightrope dancer.

Since I became a dancer, I have felt much better about myself.

Britney Spears was an incredible dancer. That kid was amazing.

I taught them everything they know, but not everything I know.

Seeing 'Revelations' made me want to be a professional dancer.

If I was tall and blonde, I might have been a dancer or singer.

Real dancers are the ones who can hear the music in their soul.

I am not a dancer. In fact, I have no formal training in dance.

Originality is when you mix two things that haven't been mixed.

I was a backup dancer at one point for a group that was on RCA.

Dancers work really hard, they don't make any money. It's hard.

For a long time, I said I didn't want to model. I was a dancer.

No one is born a dancer. You have to want it more than anything.

Love can be seen as the answer, but nobody bleeds for the dancer

I smoke crack. I get all my dancers together and we do a prayer.

I try to imitate on the piano the leaps in space a dancer makes.

I'm not a good dancer, but I try. I don't really have the moves.

I've always wanted to be a good dancer. It used to be my passion.

I'm thought of as a cool, unemotional dancer, but inside I'm not.

Being a fan of dance and a dancer, I love my classic dance movies.

You just can't take a crash course to be a tango dancer in a movie.

If Beyonce needs another back up dancer, I mean, I could make time.

Into a dancer you have grown from the seeds somebody else has sown.

I love composing songs for Hrithik because he is a talented dancer.

The dancer's body is simply the luminous manifestation of the soul.

There's a line of dancers waiting to get into Sydney Dance Company.

Dancers are allowed, indeed encouraged, to remain children forever.

Any man who looks like a sissy while dancing is just a lousy dancer.

I was born with rhythm but I don't know if - I'm not a break dancer.

I disagree with the idea that modern dancers are cold or unemotional.

Pamela Anderson is a great dancer considering she can't see her feet.

I actually build my dreams around the dancers I've got in my company.

Thinking is the biggest mistake a dancer could make. You have to feel.


My personal trainer is an ex-dancer so we do a lot of ballet and jazz.

As a dancer, I was always the physical comedy girl. I love it so much.

I'm a pretty decent tap dancer. I enjoy all types of dancing, actually.

Many girls want to be carnal with me because I'm such a premium dancer.

Aside from singing, I'm also a dancer. I've been dancing since I was 8.

Dancers come and go in the twinkling of an eye, but the dance lives on.

I look at the dancers and I get the inspiration for the work from them.

All due respect, and trying to be as modest as I can be: I am a dancer.

If I ever have any back-up dancers, I want the penguins from Madagascar.

I don't date dancers, but I've always wanted to teach guys how to dance.

If you've got hips, you can't be a gymnast or dancer. That ruled me out.

I was a dancer first, which made me realize how much I loved performing.

Lightness of movement is the cardinal demand one has to make on a dancer.

I am a singer and dancer, and I've been perfecting it for a lot of years.

With girls I get no respect. A belly dancer told me I turned her stomach.

I was an okay singer. I was an okay dancer. But acting? Never could do it.

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