The people that have inspired me the most were dancers and choreographers.

I don't go to these places where there are belly dancers and this and that.

I'm a dancer. I love dancing and going out all the time. It makes me happy.

I grew up in San Francisco, and I trained as a ballet dancer until college.

I've always been athletic and a dancer, so I love doing fight choreography.

I'm your private dancer, a dancer for money, I'll do what you want me to do.

I worked as a belly dancer at a Greek restaurant senior year in high school.

I really wanted to be a dancer, actually. Michael Jackson inspired me a lot.

To see the clothes in movement like that, to create for dancers, is special.

I was a ballet dancer growing up and that's what I was convinced I would be.

I don't try to tell the dancers exactly what a dance means before they do it.

The comedian sticks as religiously to her theme as a dancer sticks to a diet.

I was a go-go dancer, too. I called myself 'Grace Mendoza' to fool my parents.


Dean Magraw so liquid, lyrical and effortless it's like listening to a dancer.

I always thought I was going to be a dancer and then fashion kind of took over.

Forget the dancer, the center of the ego; become the dance. That is meditation.

Dancers are a work of art - they are the canvas on which their work is painted.

Growing up as a dancer, the stage is really where I love to be performance wise.

Dancers, like all performing artists, like nothing better than to be challenged.

Diaghilev was the first to notice good character dancers and that sort of thing.

I'm not a trained dancer, but I grew up in a culture that revolves around dance.

Backup dancers are completely respectable. They're the studio musicians of dance.

To handle paint the way Pollock did, you need the muscularity of a ballet dancer.

What makes a great dancer is not technique. What makes a great dancer is passion.

Like most dancers, I love lip stains! We hate gloss because hair gets stuck in it.

By the way, dancers are not human beings. How can you be human and do what they do?

My son is a better dancer than me. I always try to encourage him in his endeavours.

If I was trained as a dancer then I probably would have been a dancer, and I'm not.

I was on a path. I was going to become a principal dancer. I never let my mind rest.

People call me the painter of dancers, but I really wish to capture movement itself.

I will never be the best dancer or artist. I will be growing until the day I retire.

When I was 4 years old, I thought that I wanted to be a dancer like Michael Jackson.

I never thought of myself as a Broadway actress. I'm not really a singer or a dancer.

Actors are born, good actors are trained. Dancers are born, good dancers are trained.

When other little girls wanted to be ballet dancers I kind of wanted to be a vampire.

I've grown up disciplined all my life as a dancer, so I know how to eat and work out.

If a ballet dancer falls over, it's knowing how to get out looking clumsy that counts.

If haters hadn't made me angry and made me practice, I wouldn't have gotten this good.

I'm a pretty goofy person. I'm an awkward dancer, for instance, and a terrible singer.

My mother was a dancer, so I like to use the body as part of the instrument of acting.

Dancing's not work. You can't call it work. A day I don't dance is a day I don't live.

I was interested in becoming a show dancer, for which I tried, but I'm not tall enough.

I used to be a dancer, and for me it was a really good combination of dance and acting.

I really wanted to make it as a ballet dancer to make my mom proud. But it didnt happen.

A good education is usually harmful to a dancer. A good calf is better than a good head.

Jimmy Slyde was more a musician than a dancer; Greg Hines was more musician than dancer.

My kids have become wonderful dancers themselves and enjoy teaching just as much as I do.

Listen - I like musicals. Even when they're bad, there's a couple of dancers I can watch.

Ideally if I settled down with a wife I would love to form my own troupe of mini dancers!

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