I don't mind telling a dark side.

There's a dark side to everything.

Personally, I prefer the dark side.

I like playing people with a dark side.

I am attracted to the dark side of life!

I don't see myself as having a dark side.

Marriage is the dark side of the honeymoon

Be careful of success; it has a dark side.

Suspicion cleaves to the dark side of things.

Every country has a dark side of their history.

As an actor, I tend to enjoy going to the dark side.

I sometimes have a tendency to walk on the dark side.

I don't have a dark side at all. I just like violence.

I like showing the gritty truthful dark side of humanity.

I guess I have an affinity towards darkness, the dark side.

I think we all have a little dark side we keep under wraps.

I find that a lot of directors are attracted to the dark side.

I'm interested in stories and the dark side of peoples' minds.

When you have a dark side, nothing is ever as good as it seems.

There is a dark side to Allan Guthrie, but only at the weekends.

I do tend to fall to the dark side of things visually sometimes.

Everybody has a dark side. It's just we are very in touch with it.

Don`t go to the dark side. Don`t go bashing immigrants or Muslims.

Exploring the dark side of my characters' personality is my forte.

It's more interesting isn't it, if I've got a hedonistic dark side?

I'm really into horror art, so I feel, like, a dark side in that way.

I'm a cynical person who's normally attracted to the dark side of things.

As a kid, I was a Hitchcock lover; I cared about the dark side of things.

The more we deny that we have a dark side, the more power it has over us.

It's always been said that comedy comes mostly out of the dark side anyway.

If you want to tell grown-up fairy tales, you have to look for the dark side.

A mirror reflects what you see, and a black mirror shows the dark side of it.

I have never played a role in which someone's dark side shouldn't be explored.

Every aspect of human technology has a dark side, including the bow and arrow.

Fashion has a dark side - it's not all runways and lipstick and fishtail gowns.

I definitely have a dark side of me that can be pretty vicious... as we all do.

Anything that gets to the more emotional and dark side of music, I always enjoy.

I would never write stories with only despair and defeat and the dark side of life.

Every town has its dark side, but I spend time in New York for my dark inspiration.

I have this terrible dark side to my personality, which playing tennis keeps at bay.

I have been to hell and back. I have seen the edge. I have seen the dark side of life.

Many comedians have a dark side that lets them take a negative thing and turn it funny.

As I became a venture capitalist, it's almost like I went to the dark side for a while.

If we are completely honest with ourselves, everyone has a dark side to their personalities.

I regret those times when I've chosen the dark side. I've wasted enough time not being happy.

I have never believed much in luck, and my sense of humor has tended to walk on the dark side.

You'd have to spend a lot of time with me before I'd be comfortable enough to show my dark side.

It didn't matter if we put out 'The Dark Side Of The Moon,' we weren't going to be liked by everyone.

There is a dark side of me - it's the side people don't really get to see. I think everyone has that.

I get bored with the constant probing for the cliched tears of the clown, the dark side of the comic.

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