You cannot use the democratic process for the procurement of excellence.

What I'm saying is we [Democratic Party] need to get much more granular.

Some of my best friends are Jewish contributors to the Democratic Party.

Metaphors and Similes are the beginning of the democratic system of envy.

The unions no longer control the education agenda of the Democratic Party.

A free and democratic Arab world aligns with America's security interests.

Governments, especially democratic ones, are short-term and nationalistic.

I think the Democratic Party has to learn how to be a party of opposition.

In a democratic age, you can't buck demography - except through civil war.

Any political party that includes the word 'democratic' in its name, isn't.

If everybody is happy, then something is wrong with the democratic process.

But I'm not particularly aligned with the Democratic Party's policy agenda.

For a person of my sensibility, you're only left with the Democratic party.

If everybody is happy, then something is wrong with the democratic process.

No protracted war can fail to endanger the freedom of a democratic country.

The democratic process is only as great as the people who participate in it.

The genius of our institutions is democratic - baseball is a democratic game.

But I don't think the Democratic Party is at eye level with the middle class.

I think we need a life-loving Palestine living by a Jewish democratic Israel.

I think violence is counter-productive and it is bad in democratic societies.

Confronting Republicans can definitely mobilize a disaffected Democratic base.

Our country is the most generous, open, tolerant, and democratic in the world.

Democratic senators are more scared of their base than they are of the voters.

The wrong Democratic reaction to a stupid Republican utterance is to play hurt.

The sibling society is the flattening out of the previously democratic society.

If we believe in a democratic system, we have to accept the will of the people.

I'm a Democrat because I represent the true traditions of the Democratic Party.

You can't teach a monkey to speak and you can't teach an Arab to be democratic.

The Democratic Party has pretty much abandoned all the things that they cherish.

There is simply no room for anti-Semitism in a democratic and law-abiding state.

The main division in the world is between democratic and undemocratic countries.

A louder government with less journalism does not enrich our democratic process.

Not every Democratic idea is a good one; not every Republican idea is a bad one.

The Democratic Party has always been a party that is not known for its unanimity.

In science, all facts, no matter how trivial or banal, enjoy democratic equality.

Privacy is a right, but as in any democratic society, it is not an absolute right.

A leader in the Democratic Party is a boss, in the Republican Party he is a leader.

Fig leaves of democratic procedure to hide the nakedness of Stalinist dictatorship.

The concept of multiculturalism is difficult to make fit with a democratic society.

Prose, poetry, and drawings stand side by side in a very democratic way in my work.

I've completely lost faith in the Democratic Party to truly serve the disadvantaged.

The taste for well-being is the prominent and indelible feature of democratic times.

Republican presidents talk about freedom. Democratic presidents talk about equality.

All electoral laws in Europe are more democratic than they are in the United States.

We're a democratic society. Shutting down the government should not be on the agenda.

No substantial famine has ever occurred in a democratic country - no matter how poor.

The elections would be free and democratic, and any result would have to be accepted.

No poll can equal the day-to-day visits of the men and women of the Democratic Party.

I don't doubt the sincerity of my Democratic friends. And they should not doubt ours.

Decisions taken by the most democratic institutions in the world are very often wrong.

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