I was shaped by my mistakes.

We are shaped by our conversations.

Seattle has shaped me in a lot of ways.

Few girls are as well shaped as a good horse.

The language of my books has shaped me as a man.

Ideology has shaped the very sofa on which I sit.

Revolutions about taxation have shaped our history.

I think all of us are shaped by the choices we make.

My head is weirdly shaped, so I can't wear a headband.

We are continually shaped by the forces of coincidence.

I went to public school, and it shaped me as a musician.

By God's grace, 'Abhinay Chakra' has shaped up very well.

Globalization can be shaped to ensure that people matter.

My values are in my DNA and were shaped by my environment.

My family have shaped my politics more than anything else.

My thought has been shaped by books; my desires by pictures.

It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.

I do love the way the brain looks. I love the way it's shaped.

I'm grateful for situations that have tested me and shaped me.

Golf has made me and shaped me into the person I am here today.

Real life is messy, and drama is a shaped version of real life.

I'm a Sydney suburban boy shaped entirely by the western suburbs.

I grew up in the suburbs, which I don't think shaped me very much.

In so many ways, segregation shaped me, and education liberated me.

Labels put people in boxes, and those boxes are shaped like coffins.

Everything about who I am, negative and positive, is what shaped me.

Americans will not buy irregular-looking or oddly shaped vegetables!

A man should not get his eyebrows shaped, he should get them groomed.

We are all born as empty vessels which can be shaped by moral values.

There is a level of intimacy in sharing the foods that have shaped me.

When I think of Paisley, I think of everything that has shaped my life.

Books stay with me and have shaped me and made huge impacts on my life.

I love showing my scar on my tummy - it is shaped like a question mark.

Our cultural diversity has most certainly shaped our national character.

Human sexuality has been regulated and shaped by men to serve men's needs.

If you are what you eat, then you are shaped by what you share as you eat.

Of course a magazine is shaped by its editor, and each editor is different.

The beauty of being a curvier girl is that we're all shaped so differently.

World history is shaped both positively and negatively by people who judge.

Human progress has never been shaped by commentators, complainers or cynics.

PUP introduced me to so much more amazing music. They really shaped my sound.

My heritage has definitely shaped my music and my character in a lot of ways.

Having such a supportive family has really shaped the person that I am today.

Your present is shaped by your yesterday, but you don't have to advertise it.

Muhlenberg is the school that made me and shaped me into the actor I am today.

Every year, I learn something new at the IPL. It has shaped me as a cricketer.

Everything we feel is made of Time. All the beauties of life are shaped by it.

The background of any artist is shaped by the first 15 years of his or her life.

My childhood shaped the person I became. It was artistic, musical and left-wing.

I guess I'm odd-looking. I'm skinny. But I'm not only skinny - I'm oddly shaped.

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