There are many different shapes of friendships to be had.

We all come in different shapes and sizes, and that's fine by me.

I've been all sorts of different shapes and sizes at different times in my life.

Women are not one-dimensional, we come in different shapes and sizes, and we are all equally beautiful.

To me there's no difference between a book of stories and a novel - they're just slightly different shapes.

Everyone's bodies are different, and we all have different shapes, but it has nothing to do with who you are.

I really look at my childhood as being one giant rusty tuna can that I continue to recycle in many different shapes.

Sometimes you forget how good it feels to just move, to express, to make different shapes, and let your body be free.

One of the basic things about a string is that it can vibrate in many different shapes or forms, which gives music its beauty.

We come in many different shapes and sizes, and we need to support each other and our differences. Our beauty is in our differences.

Soups are a great way to introduce a lot of vegetables to kids. Stir-fries, too, because they contain so many different shapes and colors.

I've learned that it comes in so many different shapes and sizes, and that communities with autism are extremely supportive of one another.

Love is such a powerful subject matter because it comes in so many different shapes and sizes. It's about timing, fate, failure, redemption.

'The Body Issue' is celebrating athletes' bodies, different sizes, different shapes... For me it's a celebration, and it's an honor to be in it.

For me, I like messing around with different shapes and things but I think what I've come to realize is I need a putter that just sits nicely in my hands.

We have fried things in cubes, historically. We tried bars of Hollandaise, we tried different shapes, but it ultimately seemed like the cube was the right shape.

Beauty doesn't have to be confined to one tiny singular tiny frame and I've always really enjoyed standing up for women and representing different shapes within the industry.

Buying knives can be an intimidating experience. They come in all different shapes and sizes, all of which do certain jobs - you wouldn't want to use a slicer to core a tomato.

Nia Jax is bringing a whole different message to the 'Women's Evolution.' Yes, we are athletic. Yes, we can go just as hard as the men, but women come in all different shapes and sizes.

I believe film and television should reflect our society, and the reality is that there are people in many different shapes and sizes, ethnicities, sexual orientation - the list goes on.

My dresses are for women of all different shapes and sizes. Actually, the one I tried on yesterday was the one Jennifer wore. And who'd have thought I'd be the same size as Jennifer Lopez!

It's an exciting time in the world - democracy, in all its different shapes, is rolling around to new countries all the time. To have a chance to shape the democracy in my home country is an honor.

Love comes in all different shapes and forms - from friendship and sisters and mums - and as I've got older, I've definitely learned that some of my happiest times have been when I've been on my own.

I've been all different shapes and sizes in my lifetime. I started wearing shapewear as a teenager after I did 'Australian Idol.' I had a little tummy, and I was always really quite conscious of that.

There is an idea, the basis of an internal structure, expanded and split into different shapes or groups of sound constantly changing in shape, direction, and speed, attracted and repulsed by various forces.

If a group of people feels that it has been humiliated and that its honour has been trampled underfoot, it will want to express its identity and this expression of an identity will take different shapes and forms.

I like doing clay work. It's different from drawing on a page because you have something to mold into different shapes. It's quite visual, it's a thing you can hold and feel, and that makes it different from drawing.

I was trying to make something really hard, but then I thought I should make something really soft instead, that could be molded into different shapes. That was how I came up with the first plastic. I called it Bakelite.

Cars have a large engine in the front and you have a gearbox, which is cumbersome. Electric cars don't have this problem. The motor is much smaller, the battery is below you. This will allow you to play with different shapes.

I love doing fittings and seeing women look really confident in their clothes because they're not wearing something too boxy but that really shows off their figures. Everybody has a different figure - it's important to design for different shapes.

The trouble is, once you say something about a source, then you've pegged it down, and so now I'm reluctant to say anything. If I say I developed 50 different shapes from Mississippian tumuli, that doesn't mean they're copies of tumuli - I'm not ripping off those shapes.

If you're naturally a certain size, I think it suits you and you can see that. There's no point in trying to conform for the sake of it. People are meant to be different shapes, and their different shapes are so interesting and, ultimately, why people fall in love with them.

When I cook with my son, I might chop vegetables and have fun with different shapes. Cooking is a way to teach kids about other things, like reading or math with all of the weights and measures. There are so many things that are part of cooking that are also very educational.

As a young girl, I watched my mother hand-stitch thobes while sitting on the floor with a lamp at her side. She would make the small designs of flowers and different shapes. Just thinking about it brings up so many memories of my mother and how proud she was of being Palestinian.

When you make music, you're forming these invisible vibrations in the air into different shapes and consistencies and speeds in order to create music, and understanding how the math of that works just gives you more colors to paint with, and allows you to get to what you want quicker.

I know people who've had a nose job, and they've walked out feeling a million dollars, and their confidence is tenfold. Good on them! Natural beauty comes in all different shapes and sizes, but if you think surgery would right something you have a problem with, then why shouldn't you do it?

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