I always write tons of different styles.

There are so many different styles of yoga.

Everyone has different talents, different styles and talents.

I play different styles, and am very good at changing how I play.

I'm a fan of many different styles of classical and symphonic music.

Hip-hop is a collage. It samples from all different styles of music.

I feel like I'm quite versatile. I want to do lots of different styles.

Everybody's got a different sense of humor. It's just different styles.

There are different styles of women's wrestling just like men's wrestling.

I love a lot of different styles, but my heart belongs in electronic music.

I have so many different styles. My favorites are from Amo, Levi's, and Frame.

I've played guitar in so many different styles, and I want to revisit them all.

British and American women have very different styles and a different way of living.

It's like Willie Nelson. You're an artist and you have different styles inside of you.

I can draw and paint in many different styles, and use different mediums to create work.

I like going in to different styles of acting and exploring stuff I haven't done before.

I always play so many different styles that I don't think anything I do surprises anyone.

I have seen many ladies displaying different styles and different styles displaying ladies.

Everybody is different. Everybody has different styles. Just do it the best way you know how.

Hip-hop educated me about other forms of music, because it sampled from all different styles.

I haven't always been confident enough to rock different styles because I used to be really shy.

The way you adapt and play against different teams and different styles is going to be important.

I think what the story of Yes has been is we've wandered in and out of different styles over the years.

I enjoy all aspects of singing and I'm luckily given the choice to be part of different styles of music.

I've played under different managers, different styles, and most of my career, I was asked to play long.

There are those who discredit a style or a way of playing and those who accept all the different styles.

I think it's healthy to have a lot of different styles within a genre. It makes it much more interesting.

We all have different styles, so it's part of the game trying to be competitive and compete and be determined.

I'll always feel most comfortable in khaki surrounded by animals, but it is really fun to try different styles.

We don't really think about it in a formulaic way, we just use the different styles as and when it feels right.

I think that young people should embrace artists like Lemmy from Motorhead but also be open to different styles.

My sisters and I like a lot of different styles of music, but we're inspired by real artists like Beyonce and Adele.

It's incredibly fun as an actor to get to play different styles and different genres for completely different audiences.

The advantage we have as Americans is that we can be fair; we tend to be more open-minded about different styles of wine.

I've listened to a lot of different styles of music growing up, and they've all influenced me at different times in my life.

I just watched a ton of comedy and saw a ton of different styles, and eventually you think, 'Oh, yeah, I could be like that.'

I like to think I have quite a few different styles - sometimes it's a bit rock n' roll, other times more girly and feminine.

I work a little bit of slower, methodical pace. I'm able to implement certain different styles depending on who my opponent is.

Read. Read. Read. Just don't read one type of book. Read different books by various authors so that you develop different styles.

All the territories or places I've wrestled are different. There are different styles. The WWE and TV style is also very different.

I worked with different producers from all genres, trying to bridge different styles of music, from urban to electronica to ballads.

I really wanted the first record to be different from what I'd done with Genesis, so we were trying to do things in different styles.

Comedy covers such a wide range of different styles that I'm not really qualified to talk on all of them any more than anyone else is.

Having more money allows you to play in a certain way, but that's the beauty of the Premier League - there are so many different styles.

You can't just copy someone. There are so many different styles that you can just kind of pick and choose whatever it is you'd like to do.

Television is obviously changing; the way we consume media is changing, so I think it's natural that we are going to try different styles.

We can never achieve perfect football at Bayern because the game is always changing. There are always new influences and different styles.

I understand now the different games and the different approaches that you need to take at different times, with different styles of play.

I listen to a lot of different styles of music. So it doesn't have to be just one thing. I prefer it. If it's not, I get bored very easily.

Anyone who knows me knows that I am really into hair. I'm a real girly girl and love doing my hair and experimenting with different styles.

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