I just dig dancing.

People dig exploration.

At first I didn't dig country.

I dig all kinds of competition.

I don't dig staying in one groove.

I was raised right. I dig who I am.

Dig your well before you're thirsty.

To say what you feel is to dig your own grave.

The Britney Spears fans aren't going to dig us.

I've always been a wriggler. I just dig dancing.

There's a need to dig up the past and analyze it.

I think you have to dig deep in every performance.

I would really love to go on an archaeological dig.

You never know what your next dig is going to find.

If you get yourself in a hole, you dig yourself out.

I just like music. If it's hookey and good, I dig it.

I have gotten used to working in the dark and I dig it.

If you dig it, do it. If you dig it a lot, do it twice.

Let us dig our furrow in the fields of the commonplace.

If you dig it, do it. If you really dig it, do it twice.

I don't have to do the lead. If I dig a part, I'll do it.

While seeking revenge, dig two graves - one for yourself.

Chicks who dig home runs aren't the ones who appeal to me.

I dig science fiction, though it was never really my thing.

You've got to dig deep to get from a semi-final to a final.

I dig Steve Harvey: he's the suit man. I be checking him out.

I'm not gay - everybody thinks I am - but I dig 'The L Word.'

Everybody can dig The Beatles, but why should everybody dig us?

I don't want to dig in the truth all of the time. Let me dream.

Great players, they always dig deep and have their will to win.

I do dig the White Stripes. I like the record they have out now.

I take pride in the fact that a lot of little kids dig what I do.

Whether you like me or you don't, I still dig showing up for work.

I think every couple should find an artist that they dig together.

As soon as I get time, I really wanna dig down and do some acting.

When it comes down to digging, can't nobody dig as hard as I can dig.

The best place to find God is in a garden. You can dig for him there.

But I dig myself, and especially if my wife digs me, I dig myself more.

I've always felt you unearth story, like you're on an archeological dig.

Even the bands I dig don't have a history of attaining mass consumption.

I get along very well with animals and children. I dig them, I get them.

I have to follow my thoughts and mine for the gold. I have to dig it out.

I'm just a Harlem dude that can rap, and people dig my style and persona.

I think any cancer patient, if you dig not too deeply, they want to live.

Find your place on the planet. Dig in, and take responsibility from there.

Have faith in God. It will make you dig deeper and become a better leader.

If you want to do things right, you have to dig deep for that inspiration.

I'd rather dig a ditch than go to a dinner party with people I don't know.

No, I want my kids to be Tiger Woods. And Serena Williams. I dig those two.

I don't dig parties. I rather sit at home with my friends and a good movie.

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