You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't ...

You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try.

God has never disappointed me.

I don't get easily disappointed.

I'm disappointed in you Tom Brady

Anger is really disappointed hope.

I'm disappointed in people in general.

Alcoholics are mostly disappointed men.

Some people will always be disappointed.

I'm always disappointed when I don't score.

I'm disappointed anytime I don't play well.

I'm disappointed about how my career ended.

Every time I lose a final, I am disappointed.

You're always disappointed when you lose a game.

Look at the view and you'll never be disappointed.

I was very much disappointed in the Atlantic Ocean.

If you don't expect much you can't be disappointed.

I'm surprised and disappointed in American culture.

I wasn't disappointed. My expectations had been met.

If I am still fighting at 35 I will be disappointed.

I'm disappointed by bands left and right, every day.

I do what work I get. I'm disappointed half the time.

When I go shopping, most of the time I'm disappointed.

I was hugely disappointed that 'Whites' was cancelled.

If you expect the worst, you'll never be disappointed.

You only get disappointed with who you trust the most.

It got to be so easy that I was actually disappointed.

You always underestimate - rather than be disappointed.

He was old and wise, which meant tired and disappointed.

I have been disappointed many times, but never defeated.

It's a sad day when you have to be disappointed in a fan.

Please. Thank you. Learn it. Love it. Or be disappointed.

There's nothing worse than being disappointed in somebody.

I'm disappointed. I played my heart out and it didn't work.

We are born crying, live complaining, and die disappointed.

Hard disks have disappointed me more than most technologies.

I'd rather be pleasantly surprised than fatally disappointed.

I don't like setting goals - I don't like to be disappointed.

Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist.

If you expect nothing from anybody, you're never disappointed.

I'm disappointed that success hasn't been a Himalayan feeling.

I'm not disappointed (at not leading), I'm just trying my best.

If you don't score, and you have chances, you are disappointed.

I'm quite disappointed that I'm still the last man on the moon.

I'm quite disappointed that I'll never relive my teenage years.

Only a few millionaires with wet bottoms were very disappointed.

I was disappointed to leave Spurs, but quite pleased that I did.

I'm disappointed. I don't care about Will Smith, I don't want to.

People are disappointed when the world doesn't end on their watch.

I am extremely disappointed by the actions of the 9/11 commission.

I'm always a bit disappointed when I've finished working on a book.

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