I was a disruptive child.

Hip-hop, at its best, is disruptive.

Modernity is disruptive, and I endorse that.

Beware angel investors: they can be disruptive.

Think big; think disruptive. Execute with full passion.

Sudden change, even if it is for the good, is disruptive.

The best antidote to the disruptive power of innovation is overregulation.

Disruptive innovation is competitive strategy for an age seized by terror.

The stock market clearly values companies that can deliver disruptive innovation.

There's nothing more fundamentally disruptive to the status quo than a new reality.

Washington is an incumbent protection machine. Technology is fundamentally disruptive.

It's only by being disruptive that you get people to have a conversation about an issue.

Disruption is a process, not an event, and innovations can only be disruptive relative to something else.

I finished all the math books by third grade and most of the reading books. So I was considered disruptive.

Silicon Valley's long-running track record of creating globally disruptive startups is the envy of the world.

Technology, through automation and artificial intelligence, is definitely one of the most disruptive sources.

From a product development perspective, choosing whether a technology is disruptive at a potential moment is key.

For a comedienne, you have to have a little tragedy or a dark side, just not too much. Otherwise it's too disruptive.

I want to be as creatively disruptive as possible. I want to be radically transparent in a way that isn't showboating.

A disaffected America can be drawn into a civilized - but disruptive - dialogue about political change and reformation.

Peaceful, lawful protest - if it is effective - is innately disruptive of 'business as usual.' That is why it is effective.

Social media is the most disruptive form of communication humankind has seen since the last disruptive form of communications, email.

Everyone has an idea over time of what the business should be, and during the formative period, too many opinions could be disruptive.

In China anything less than 6% growth is a recession meaning that it also causes financial problems and it's disruptive and it's a problem.

As I have often said, acceptance of the idea of shared mobility is going to be one of the major disruptive trends in the automotive industry.

True philanthropy requires a disruptive mindset, innovative thinking and a philosophy driven by entrepreneurial insights and creative opportunities.

The fact that insomnia is associated with depression suggests that sleep might help us deal with emotionally stressful or otherwise disruptive events.

The 1992 crisis proved that the existing system was unstable. Not moving forward to the euro would have set up Europe for even more disruptive crises.

Drone manufacturers have yet to create a drone capable of delivering packages while operating at a decibel level that isn't disruptive to communities.

The marriage of computing and connectivity without the shackles of being tethered to a location is one of the biggest disruptive forces of modern times.

I think the idea that you would do everything you can to prevent what is coming at you by way of something very disruptive - a 9/11 - it's a no-brainer.

We love serious technology innovations, and there is a strong bias towards large technology innovations that are sort of disruptive to the current market.

Productivity growth, however it occurs, has a disruptive side to it. In the short term, most things that contribute to productivity growth are very painful.

I think that black people making art, women making art, and certainly black women making art is a disruptive endeavor - and it's one that I enjoy extremely.

I was a pretty disruptive student in class in school. I had a hard time paying attention. I had what they call A.D.D. now, back then I was just a hyper kid.

Today, Labour has a disruptive economic narrative - that Britain needs fundamental change in its market structure and culture to compete in the modern world.

Our strategic rationale in Happiest Minds was to have disruptive technology, providing a smart, secure, connected experience enabling digital transformation.

But any big change is more likely to result if there is a disruptive event such as new technologies or platforms that have a surprising effect on market share.

Every company, city, and country is becoming digital, navigating disruptive markets, and Cisco's role in the digital transformation has never been more important.

The top principle for disruptive and sustaining innovation is that it has to have a laser focus on customers. Innovation begins with their needs and expectations.

If you're doing anything disruptive, and if you know it to be good and true and progressive, let the naysayers fuel you to work harder and go faster and sleep less.

From the early days, Booking.com has been disruptive. Our aim is to create the best product for our customers, and we do that through constant innovation and testing.

Young people can be disruptive and screw up classes. But even if they are being a pain in the arse it's a cry for help - they don't feel like they are being listened to.

There are a lot of people that have great ideas that want to create disruptive companies that change the world but everybody doesn't have the skills to be able to do that.

For an emerging market that hopes to be the third largest economy in the world, you cannot do it without being innovative and disruptive. There is no choice in the matter.

The introduction of new technology is always disruptive to existing markets, particularly to content/copyright owners who sell through well-established distribution channels.

Most of us who work as professional futurists never really stop gathering information - you never know when a provocative, potentially disruptive new development might appear.

It's vital our students think differently and explore their options when it comes to post-secondary education, so they can be adaptable in the disruptive economy of the future.

The mistake that makes launching a venture expensive is when you try to make a disruptive technology so good that it can compete on a quality basis with an established product.

Smart companies fail because they do everything right. They cater to high-profit-margin customers and ignore the low end of the market, where disruptive innovations emerge from.

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