Facebook wasn't built out of a Harvard dorm window.

After practice, I would have to go back to the dorm and take a nap.

The first two projects I did out of my dorm room were mock film soundtracks.

Yeah, I spent about 20 years in a dorm room. It took me a while to graduate.

My mother worked as a maid, cleaning the fraternity dorm of the local college.

The first private space of my own wasn't a dorm room; it was a hotel room in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

From its humble origins in college dorm rooms, social media has quietly crept into the boardroom.

You can imagine what a dorm room environment is to a CF parent. It's like, oh my God. It's crazy.

I played in a couple of really crummy bands, including one in the dorm I was in at MIT, for a year or two.

I set up my own trading center in my Cabot dorm room... with my computer, my fax machine, and my telephone.

Even if I earn millions, I will probably do the average things, like live in a dorm and work at McDonald's.

I was very shy and somewhat awkward. I studied too hard. And to have this exciting dorm life was a whole new thing.

I just sing over hip-hop beats, you know. That's what I've been doing. That's what I started in '09 in my dorm room.

I started out really making music in my dorm room, and it wasn't really producing or anything like that; it was you making something.

I just pretty much go to class, do my work, and go to my dorm and make beats. Or I pull up to a session. That's pretty much my day-to-day.

You cannot make a giant space company in your dorm room. Not today. And the reason is that the heavy lifting infrastructure isn't in place.

I wasn't into going to college for four years and that whole dorm thing. I had such an aversion to it. It's an extended vacation, isn't it?

The stereotypical successful entrepreneur is Mark Zuckerberg - the young college dropout who dreamed up a crazy idea while in his dorm room.

When I started Facebook from my dorm room in 2004, the idea that my roommates and I talked about all the time was a world that was more open.

I wish I'd had more fun in college. I spent a lot of time in my dorm room, reading or writing while listening to my Sarah McLachlan Pandora station.

There's a picture of my dorm room in the college yearbook as the most messy, most disgusting room on the Harvard campus, where I was an undergraduate.

If you go to Wall Street, there is someone from Harvard, Stanford, etc, who relate to each other by the batch they studied in, the dorm they lived in, and so on.

Most veterans detested training camp, but not me. I loved having a dorm room and a little fridge with snacks, and I looked forward to goofing around in the meetings.

I wanted to go to NYU because I thought that was my best path to glory. I figured it was safer to move into the acting world in New York while I was living in a dorm.

My first web series, 'Dorm Diaries,' was a realistic mockumentary about what it was like to be black at Stanford University. I'm black and I went to Stanford. Boom. Easy.

I got thrown out of school several weeks in my senior year being caught in the girls' dorm. This was 1954, friends. The girls' dorm was off limits. Even to girls, I think.

I would sit in my dorm room and write songs. I loved it. I was learning to sing and play guitar. I was becoming a musician. I was the beginner who somehow could write a song.

When I went to college is really when it became my own. I had to get up out of that dorm room and go to church, go to mass on Sunday. That's when I took ownership of my faith.

I have a distinct memory, dating back to 1989 or so, of sitting around with my college dorm mates talking about a new term that was popping up everywhere: 'political correctness.'

You don't need equipment of any kind to get a good workout in. In fact, you can get a good workout in the smallest of spaces, from a dorm room, to a studio apartment to a hotel room.

I started my first business out of my college dorm room - DJ Connection - and grew it to more than 4,000 events per year. Sounds easy, but while doing that, I made every mistake in the book.

I've been a DJ, janitor, ditch digger, waitress, computer instructor, programmer, mechanic, web developer, clerk, manager, marketing director, tour guide and dorm manager, among other things.

Deep down, I have always been 72 years old. In college, my friends used to make fun of me because I would sometimes skip a Friday night party to stay in my dorm room watching Turner Classic Movies.

I grew up in New Orleans. I had just moved into my dorm at the University of New Orleans, and I was doing laundry, and my mom called me, like, 'We've got to evacuate. There's a hurricane's coming.'

I made a CD in my dorm room and put it on the Internet, and my friends blew it up. Within a few months, I was doing shows across the country without a record deal, without a single, without anything.

SiriusXM has had my back ever since day one when I was making remixes in my dorm room at university, and it means a lot that they're supporting my music as I prepare to release my debut album, 'Cloud Nine.'

The Dorm Room Diet is nothing like the conventional diets you may have tried in the past. It offers guidelines for creating a healthy lifestyle on your own, without the daunting restrictions of a quick-fix diet.

I literally coded Facebook in my dorm room and launched it from my dorm room. I rented a server for $85 a month, and I funded it by putting an ad on the side, and we've funded ever since by putting ads on the side.

When you come from living in a dorm room with no clothes, no girls, no cars, and then you go to having three cars, girls, and money, you can't help but be genuinely happy that things are moving in a positive direction.

I started my first company when I was in my college dorm as a senior with two of my really good friends. We started a company that became SparkNotes.com. You know CliffsNotes? SparkNotes is a modern-day version of that.

I had a Neighborhood Crime Watch sign in my dorm wall in college. People would come in and laugh at it. 'Where did you get it?' 'I took it. How good is their Neighborhood Crime Watch if they can't even watch their sign?'

When I get high anxiety, I vomit. My mom was so stressed out. Then I found out I was staying in John Mayer's old dorm room, and I had a nice roommate. That completely brought me down. I was completely comfortable at Berklee.

For most people, their wealth accrues slowly, and at any given point they say, 'Okay, I should kick up my standard of living because now I've earned slightly more wealth.' I went from the dorm room to having a billion dollars.

For almost a year, I sporadically made these rather lame video blogs in my dorm. These video blogs were reflective of most video blogs during that time in that they had no real structure and were kind of just all over the place.

My grandmother came with me when I moved out to New York. She stayed with me for a week. I was, you know, living in the dorm. The first year, I had a lot of anxiety, and, I remember, my teachers kept saying I had so much jaw tension.

In the late 1990s, I wrote a book from the point of view of a young black woman who has barricaded herself in her college dorm room, pursued by a man, either real or imagined, who finally materializes as the father she has never known.

During my freshman year at Cornell, I joined my dorm's intramural football team. At the first practice, upper classmen pointed out I was tall, so I should try playing QB. Well half an hour later, it was abundantly clear that I should not be the QB.

Vincent Gallo once said Williamsburg was like a giant dorm room with no homework. He was right. And now you've got lawyers who just learned to snowboard moving here to be young again. Anyone who tells you they'd rather live here is lying or stupid - or both.

I'm a lesbian. Yup. Hundred percent. Hundred percent. I remember being in college, and I had fallen in love with this woman, and I remember sitting in my dorm room saying out loud to myself, like, 'You have enough problems. You are not gonna let this happen.'

I didn't start drama school until I was 20, and I don't think I would have gotten nearly as much out of it had I gone when I was 18. I didn't show up there to please anyone. After I was accepted, I wrote, 'The Audition's Over' and put it on the door of my dorm.

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