I am very bad at drawing. Seriously. I can draw shoes. That's about it.

For some reason writing and drawing are very separate processes for me.

Writing and drawing comics for the sheer joy of it - that's true bliss.

A colourist makes his presence known even in a simple charcoal drawing.

As long as I can remember, I was drawing or trying to create something.

I haven't stopped painting or drawing - I've just added another medium.

A simple line painted with the brush can lead to freedom and happiness.

Drawings help people to work out intricate relationships between parts.

Drawing Lavi’s smile eases me precisely because he has such a sad fate.

Drawing on a computer doesn't make any sense to me. It's not intuitive.

I really wish Mike and Joe would stop drawing on me while I'm sleeping.

Drawing teaches habits of close observation that will always be useful.

A sketch has charm because of its truth - not because it is unfinished.

To draw is to make an idea precise. Drawing is the precision of thought.

Even drawing gray hair at all is difficult to render in black and white.

The worse my drawings were, the more beautiful did the originals appear.

Anything that makes you feel good is always going to be drawing in more.

I bet you’re really good with your hands, all that drawing and building.

Drawing or painting allows the artist to know himself as a whole person.

I didnt grow up drawing runway models and deciding what they should wear.

Long time ago, we used to sit around eating popcorn and drawing up plays.

I have always liked drawing, when you draw you see things more intensely.

I'm just drawing it now. It's totally revolting. I'm sure you'll love it.

If you start with character, you probably will end up with good drawings.

The most labor-intensive part of putting together a comic is the drawing.

If I don't have an erection when I'm doing a drawing, I know it's no good.

I didn't grow up drawing runway models and deciding what they should wear.

Music is the doorway that has led me to drawing, photography, and writing.

I've been drawing since I was about 3 and I come from a family of artists.

I was the kid who was drawing on tables or removing the legs of furniture.

And after drawing comes composition. A well-composed painting is half done

I've never let one day go by without painting, or at least without drawing.

At 16, I was drawing cartoons, and I wanted to carry on being a cartoonist.

The night was a time for bestial affinities, for drawing closer to oneself.

Well, directing is doing the key drawings, not the key animation, mind you.

Drawing is something I do on the side, I like to see it be of use at times.

Always think of drawing, getting the forms realized, emphasizing the design.

If you go by a school and the kids don't whistle, back to the drawing board.

Playing acoustic and line drawings are the two things I'm most competent at.

There are days when I'm completely depressed and able to do only one drawing

Drawing at its best is not what your eyes see but what our mind understands.

I do not know the method of drawing up an indictment against a whole people.

What can make your work interesting is as much who you are, as how you draw.

Drawing must seek interest, not admiration. Because admiration wears quickly.

The only thing I ever wanted to be was a cartoonist. That's my Life. DRAWING.

I love drawing what the character is feeling, in my comics, with no dialogue.

One must always draw, draw with the eyes, when one cannot draw with a pencil.

There are days when I'm completely depressed and able to do only one drawing.

You’re not supposed to animate drawings. You’re supposed to animate feelings.

If I had girls to educate I would not have them learn both music and drawing.

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