When I was in high school, I thought I might be an artist. I was very good at drawing and painting.

I can't be happy with drawing or losing a match. It actually makes me really sad when that happens.

There is no such thing as Christian art or secular art - writing, painting, drawing, whatever it is.

I actually start drawing things. Usually they're abandoned before I commit too much time and effort.

If you can understand the humor in the drawing part you'll probably get the humor in the audio part.

If you can understand the humor in the drawing part you'll probably get the humor in the audio part.

...deficit consumption is, in effect, drawing down on the capital entitlements of future generations

Whether it's a computer or a pen drawing, design is about drawing shapes and making physical things.

You know, it's a hugely difficult thing to take any work of art or drawing and say 'make that real.'

If you've worked over all of your drawing, it should finish itself - often when you least expect it.

I started to get bored with that stuff about only drawing men and I've taken it out of the slideshow.

My favorite drawings at the Muhammad cartoon festival in Texas were the two chalk outlines out front.

Acting must be scaled down for the screen. A drawing room is a lot smaller than a theatre auditorium.

Writing is just always hard for me. It always feels like drawing blood. It's never particularly easy.

There are only five things really worth drawing; four of them are pretty girls and the fifth is cats.

I don't want to spend my entire life drawing talking heads. It seems like a waste of everyone's time.

Seven days a week, I'm always drawing, doodling, or painting, whether I'm in the studio or on a plane.

Every animator is really an actor performing in slow motion, living the character a drawing at a time.

Drawing general conclusions about your main weaknesses can provide a great stimulus to further growth.

Where as in animation you have to kind of do a series of drawings in between to complete the movement.

For the artist, drawing is discovery. And that is not just a slick phrase; it is quite literally true.

When you are older, you realise that everything else is just nothing compared to painting and drawing.

I had no intentions of going into sculpture but found that sculpture was just an extension of drawing.

I'm pretty terrible at writing, so the way I kind of therapeutically get through things is by drawing.

Pure drawing is an abstraction. Drawing and colour are not distinct, everything in nature is coloured.

Philosophers who pay for their semantics by drawing checks on Darwin are in debt way over their heads.

At one point people in al Qaeda were actually drawing monthly paychecks when they were based in Sudan.

When I was a kid, I was always drawing things. I'd get butcher paper or grocery bags and draw on them.

Well, it's always been my nature to take chances My right hand drawing back while my left hand advances

I did photography, painting, and drawing, but I prefer sculpture. I like it because it's very physical.

People in a democracy should be satisfied with drawing the Government's attention to a mistake, if any.

Sketches always have more vitality than paintings because you're finding things out through doing them.

Iwas a sculptor.Butthat'sreallydrawinga drawing you fall over in the dark, a three-dimensional drawing.

Even if you're drawing a cartoon and exaggerating, you want to capture something true about the person.

Painting is poetry that is seen rather than felt, and poetry is painting that is felt rather than seen.

I did photography, painting, and drawing, but I prefer sculpture. I like it because it's very physical.

I like a girl with a substantial bottom,' said Renoir, drawing in the air the size bottom he preferred.

You can only learn to paint by drawing, for drawing is a way of reserving a place for color in advance.

Back in my high school years, the Hulk was my favorite Marvel character, and I always enjoy drawing him.

I don't work from drawings. I don't make sketches and drawings and color sketches into a final painting.

All the drawings and sketches and clothes of Yves Saint Laurent in the '70s were so colorful, so bright.

On one occasion in 1987 the security police came looking for me because of a drawing that I'd published.

Real development is not leaving things behind, as on a road, but drawing life from them, as from a root.

I've been fifty thousand times to the Louvre. I have copied everything in drawing, trying to understand.

I am really fond of drawing, painting mehendi, so I would draw mehendi on a groom's hand and earn money.

Truth is a rough, honest, helter-skelter terrier that none like to see brought into their drawing rooms.

What is certain is that setting a piece of nature in place and drawing it are two very different things.

The sky is like a monochromatic contemporay painting, drawing me in its illusion of depth, pulling me up.

There is only one right way to draw... physical contact with all sorts of objects through all the senses.

I use photos a lot for drawing people and personalities, but they're almost never photos that I've taken.

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