When you are drawing characters to serve a plot purpose, you tend to get flat, stereotyped, unliving characters.

Why bother? I was right all along: the second you make yourself vulnerable to someone, they start drawing blood.

The older I become, the more I realize that drawing is the most important of all the problems of picture-making.

Discipline in art is a fundamental struggle to understand oneself, as much as to understand what one is drawing.

We need all kinds of artists. We have no need to destroy drawing. We lose so much. This wouldn't happen in music.

Unfortunately, very few governments think about youth unemployment when they are drawing up their national plans.

I never felt oppressed because of my gender. When I'm writing a poem or drawing, I'm not a female; I'm an artist.

Yeah, I mean I am somebody that makes an effort to go and see a lot of exhibitions, painting, drawing, sculpture.

I dont play any two suited cards. I play any two non-suited cards. That way I am drawing at two different flushes.

When I sample something, it's just me drawing from what I'm actually into. It's whatever sounds like a good track.

Lose your schematic conventions by finding some surprising symbol or shape in the welter of shades, and draw that.

Realize that a drawing is not a copy. It is a construction in very different materials. A drawing is an invention.

Lack of patience is probably the most common reason for losing a game, or drawing games that should have been won.

Drawing is a kind of hypnotism: one looks in such a way at the model, that he comes and takes a seat on the paper.

Any idiot that wants to make a couple of thousand drawings for a hundred feet of film is welcome to join the club.

If I hadn't had the outlet of writing and drawing comics, I guess there's a good chance I wouldn't be around today.

Totem poles and wooden masks no longer suggest tribal villages but fashionable drawing rooms in New York and Paris.

For some reason, a lot of Hollywood big shots are curious to see how they'd be drawn with bulging eyes and no chin.

Drawing was a cheap way for me to express myself. It gave a focus to my thinking and my life from a very early age.

I don't like drawing characters facing right. If I tried to do that at a book signing, I'd have to pencil it first.

Latin AP was a struggle. There were a lot of people in class drawing pictures during that, but I took it seriously.

You always feel the drawing you are working on is the best you've ever done... I am only interested in the present.

Remind me," he paused, drawing in a stuttered gasp, "to never piss you off again. Christ, are you secretly a ninja?

I've never seen bad drawing destroy a good idea. On the other hand, I've never seen a good drawing save a bad idea.

Future is an empty paper, but not absolutely empty; the shadows of the drawings of the past is there, on the paper!

One time I covered a wall with 8.5×11 pages of drawings, which made things feel a little bit different in the room.

You can't wait for someone to give you a show. That can't be the first time you're writing and drawing a character.

All good and genuine draftsmen draw according to the picture inscribed in their minds, and not according to nature.

I am going to do some drawings or paintings...in the mirror of my wardrobe..with myself as a figure doing something.

As the Industrial Age is drawing to a close, I think that we're witnessing the dawn of the era of biological design.

Drawing includes three and a half quarters of the content of painting... Drawing contains everything, except the hue

I was constantly drawing and colouring. I had an immense love for art and anything which involved art fascinated me.

I have a theory that I did most of my observing probably before I was twenty, stored it, and am still drawing on it.

Adversity has the effect of drawing out strength and qualities of a man that would have laid dormant in its absence.

I did have a thing for mazes. When I was a kid, I remember drawing little mazes constantly and puzzles. I loved that.

Drawing the desperate and the adrift, Los Angeles has long been the dumping ground of dreams both real and cinematic.

A good drawing has immense vitality because it is explanatory. In a good drawing even its faults have become virtues.

What happens if you start drawing squares? Well, I'd say the answer to that is, don't get famous for drawing circles.

I would love to collaborate on a graphic novel with an artist - I'm terrible at drawing but I really love that genre.

God created paper for the purpose of drawing architecture on it. Everything else is at least for me an abuse of paper.

I am constantly drawing inspiration from everything I see-the places I travel, the people I know and the movies I see.

I'm never drawing the object itself; I'm only drawing a depiction of the object - a kind of crystallized symbol of it.

I was born and raised in Ohio. During my childhood, I spent most of my time drawing and reading fairy tales and myths.

'As I am, so are these. As are these, so am I.' Drawing the parallel to yourself, neither kill nor get others to kill.

By drawing our senses of perception inward, we are able to experience the control, silence, and quietness of the mind.

Growing up, I enjoyed drawing, but it was always in the service of an idea. I drew all the time, and I enjoyed making.

No one can ever take my job away from me. I can always draw as long as I have a piece of paper and a pencil or paints.

Drawing on real life is what novelists do. It's not the same as reconstructing real life, which is what historians do.

Growing up in San Diego, my main interests were the Beatles, Louis Armstrong, 'Star Wars,' baseball cards, and drawing.

If drawing belongs to the world of spirit and color to that of the senses, you must draw first to cultivate the spirit.

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