The writing doesn't distract me while I'm drawing and vice versa. I can devote my full attention to each.

I had so many ideas that I wanted to get out at once that it led to simple little drawings and paintings.

You know when somebody really knows what they're drawing from and you can feel it when you see the movie.

When I'm painting and drawing I only do people. Acting is obviously portraiture - and writing is as well.

The goal is glorifying God by drawing circles around the promises, miracles, and dreams He wants for you.

Whether we are winning, losing or drawing, we have to be ready to adapt and not sink into a comfort zone.

I go out each morning and draw. I can't really start a painting in the morning until I've done a drawing.

While drawing grasses I learn nothing 'about' grass, but wake up to the wonder that there is grass at all.

You can eliminate color and still have a painting that works, but you must have drawing, value and design.

I started drawing a mouse because it was my father's nickname for my mother. And mice are very expressive.

There are no coal plants on the drawing board for Duke, which leaves us with gas, renewables, and nuclear.

I think when you're an actor and you're drawing on your emotions all the time, you need to be quite steady.

A gift, like a good friend drawing a personal road map out of the crazy busy swirl of our overloaded lives.

Freedom is a hard-bought thing and millions are in chains, but they strain toward the new day drawing near.

Sometimes people think drawing and painting is mucking about when actually it is a highly skilled activity.

The Secret of Drawing consists of just two things: 1) Making lines on paper; and 2) Choosing where they go.

I have always loved science, but I have always loved the arts - drawing, painting and, yes, writing - more.

Every artist has thousands of bad drawings in them and the only way to get rid of them is to draw them out.

Live simply and virtuously, true to your nature, drawing no line between what is spiritual and what is not.

I still have some of my old University essays, and I do still have my drawing book from primary year seven.

I would always be painting and drawing. If I was stuck at home, I was in the basement working on a painting.

There are constant challenges in the drawing process, especially in a period piece, and therein lay the fun.

I didn't begin my life in 1975 with 'Horses.' I recorded 'Horses' in 1975, but was drawing in Paris in 1969.

Since I was a child I have always been cutting things out and gluing them together rather than drawing them.

Any sort of working drawings are simply diagrams. Architecture encourages your imagination to work that way.

When an artist or student draws a nude figure with painstaking care, the result is drawing, and not emotion.

I must have been very young, but I have a clear memory of drawing on a cream brick wall... with wax crayons.

Action is the highest perfection and drawing forth of the utmost power, vigor, and activity of man's nature.

If something doesn't creep into a drawing that you're not prepared for, you might as well not have drawn it.

I tended to faint when I saw accident victims in the emergency ward, during surgery, or while drawing blood.

There never was a time when, in my opinion, some way could not be found to prevent the drawing of the sword.

Let whoever may have attained to so much as to have the power of drawing know that he holds a great treasure.

When I was a barber, me being extreme was how I got popular: you name it, I was drawing it on someone's head.

Hunting, fishing, drawing, and music occupied my every moment. Cares I knew not, and cared naught about them.

If you're still drawing breath, God's not done with you yet. Don't quit. Be brave and believe God is for you.

I don't really picture anyone when I'm drawing. They just become their own completed person with googly eyes.

By drawing or exposing two or more patterns on the same bit of film I can create harmony and textual effects.

Even though Raster Blaster was only a video game, I was learning about designing stuff. I got good at drawing.

I filled my sketchbook with drawings, very much as any educated girl of my generation might have kept a diary.

You booked him, and you didn't worry about crowds. For drawing power in the South, it was Roy Acuff, then God.

Drawing is based upon perspective, which is nothing else than a thorough knowledge of the function of the eye.

When I was a kid, I never felt that what I was drawing really represented me; it was just something I enjoyed.

The best sort of activity is one that combines mental effort with sensuous delight. That's why I love drawing.

My drawings at first were made altogether in watercolors, but they wanted softness and a great deal of finish.

I find that a really restful, relaxing way to spend time on a plane is to listen to an audiobook while drawing.

Drawing is the poet's written line, set down to see if there be a story worth telling, a truth worth revealing.

At the earliest drawings of the fractal curve, few clues to the underlying mathematical structure will be seen.

The mind which is most capable of receiving impressions is very often the least capable of drawing conclusions.

It's about being creative and drawing on who you are when you wake up, and expressing yourself through fashion.

If you're drawing humans, it can be detrimental to be too naturalistic, which is like animating little corpses.

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