The best side drew (after a hard fought 1-1 draw)

If you can't draw a crowd, draw dicks on the wall

Home is a place from which you can draw strength.

Cyberspace, especially, draws us into the instant.

Questions draw us together. Answers push us apart.

Never become an artist if you can't learn to draw.

One who is at peace can draw good from everything.

Nature draws no line between living and nonliving.

Life entails risk, and you have to draw some lines.

Holy persons draw to themselves all that is earthly.

Imperialist enterprise draws political consequences.

Some games you win, some you lose, and some you draw.

My brother is an artist, and he draws all my tattoos.

In writing one draws in the rest, the forgotten parts.

I love to draw people's faces. I do that all the time.

I draw what I feel, which is no more than doing my job.

We draw the line against misconduct, not against wealth.

I draw on my memories but blended with a lot of fantasy.

Win, lose or draw, you're all my cousins and I love you.

This is America. We're allowed to draw whatever we want.

The only thing I knew how to do was draw and play music.

I rarely draw what I see. I draw what I feel in my body.

It's good to win. Losses aren't good, and draws are O.K.

I don't think there's anywhere to draw the line sexually.

Grace draws a circle around everyone and says they're in.

I like to keep some coloring tools around to draw vistas.

I'm not really a guy who draws on things from my own past.

There's something fascinating about watching artists draw.

I can draw and write, and you'd be foolish not to hire me.

A right judgment draws us a profit from all things we see .

Power draws you in; it's something we can gravitate toward.

Home pulls. It draws you back to tell you you don't belong.

I like to stay artistic. So I always like to draw or write.

The imagination is part of the arsenal that actors draw from.

To know what you're going to draw, you have to begin drawing.

I never want to draw attention to myself, but that's all I do.

Our own self-love draws a thick veil between us and our faults.

I will draw you back to me. You shall see. By a chain of stars.

You draw closer to truth by shutting yourself off from mankind.

It lightens the stroke to draw near to Him who handles the rod.

When there is no love, pour in love and you shall draw out love.

I can't draw a straight line to save my life. I just can't draw.

Hopefully, we can build bridges, but we also have to draw lines.

I still draw a lot though. Ballpoint pen is my preferred medium.

Anything which draws attention to me because I am so attractive.

We all have sadness in our life and things that we can draw upon

Love, and He will draw near; love, and He will dwell within you.

Chesterfield 1, Chester 1. Another score draw in the local derby

Always say no pun intended to draw attention to the intended pun.

The vocals are what immediately draw people in and sell the song.

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