I've always liked fashion but maybe not to the point that I was so sick about it that I wanted to draw my own things.

We don't cover too many draws in Test cricket and its great: it means the cricket is more interesting, more exciting.

Surely it is the right wish that draws us to the right place. Nothing of importance happens accidentally in our life.

I'm all about simple, elegant, and effective, and when I wear the rubber boot on my head, it draws a lot of attention.

I love a beautiful, soaring, singable melody. But what really draws me to a song, at the end of the day, is the words.

If we seem to get no good by attempting to draw near to Him, we may be sure we will get none by keeping away from Him.

You have to draw on your unconscious when you make a film - you can't worry about whether it's costing a lot of money.

I think there are always going to be fanatics and charismatic extremists who are going to be able to draw a following.

A DJ draws a connection between two seemingly disparate things and says, 'Look, they are alike. You can dance to them.'

Begin by learning to draw and paint like the old masters. After that, you can do as you like; everyone will respect you.

God has always been in my heart and a part of my life and my familys lives. It is through Him that we draw our strength.

He who draws noble delights from sentiments of poetry is a true poet, though he has never written a line in all his life.

Don't observe yourself too closely. Don't be too quick to draw conclusions from what happens to you; simply let it happen.

I rarely draw myself, in general, and if I do, I tend to do little cute manga-esque, almost bite-sized drawings of myself.

Fashion it's not just about learning how to draw pretty pictures, and how to sew, it's everything that makes up your life.

I would sometimes sit in a crowded restaurant, and say, 'You know, I'm the only person in this restaurant who can't draw.'

When I am gone what will you do? Who will write and draw for you? Someone smarter--someone new? Someone better--maybe YOU!

The picture which the philosopher draws of the world is surely not one in which every stroke is necessitated by pure logic.

In tribulation immediately draw near to God with confidence, and you will receive strength, enlightenment, and instruction.

I've always tried to tell myself that the work itself is the thing, that win, lose, or draw, the work is really what counts.

Even though L.A. can be kind of tacky, when a city's big draws are The Roxy and the Viper Room, you know its pretty amazing.

For there is no air that men so greedily draw in, that diffuses itself so soon, and that penetrates so deep as that of license.

Aboriginal art and culture draws from the land, for Aboriginality and the land are essential to each other and are inseparable.

Reasoning draws a conclusion, but does not make the conclusion certain, unless the mind discovers it by the path of experience.

The higher a man's conception of God, the better will he know Him. And the better he knows God, the nearer will he draw to Him.

Really believing in "once upon a time". Believing that it will draw you in, take you with me to a place you've never been before.

'The Passing Bells' highlights the horror of the fighting from both sides and draws parallels between these two young boys' lives.

It is always from the depths of its impotence that each power center draws its power, hence their extreme maliciousness, and vanity

I've come to believe that what draws women to true crime tales is an instinctual understanding that this is the world they live in.

Love is the affinity which links and draws together the elements of the world... Love, in fact, is the agent of universal synthesis.

The power of the story sheds a light and great perspective on well known facts. The power of cinema draws on that collective history.

There are always parts of me that come out in the characters that I play - it's the only thing I have to work with and to draw off of.

The most important impact of technology on communications security is that it draws better and better traffic into vulnerable channels.

Inarritu's films focus on the repercussions of a single act that draws people together and simultaneously throws their lives into chaos.

Every sport, every profession, every group united by a single passion draws on a lexicon that is uniquely theirs, and theirs for a reason.

We believe content relationships are compelling draws even where paid-TV-provided guides are prevalent, such as here in the United States.

Do not be afraid to offer ideas that draw opposition. Remember, if no one is against your idea, then your idea probably doesn't do anything.

How to Draw a Picture (XII) Know when you're finished, and when you are, put your pencil or your paintbrush down. All the rest is only life.

In one word, to draw the rule from experience, one must generalize; this is a necessity that imposes itself on the most circumspect observer.

Some people would say comedy draws from some dark places, from your dark stuff. Life's great optimists aren't necessarily the funniest people.

Every script has things that would draw me away or draw me towards it. But I just try and choose as wisely as possible - when I get to choose.

There's something to be said about seeing your face represented. There's just something really important about that. It just draws you in more.

It is clear to everyone that astronomy at all events compels the soul to look upwards, and draws it from the things of this world to the other.

Even when I was No. 1 in the world, I was taking it one match at a time. I never was a player to look too far ahead, the way draws can pan out.

Without the edge, [life's] boring...If you're doing something that's definitely achievable with 100% odds of success, where's the draw in that?

Experience is valuable only if it's imbued with meaning from which one can draw salient conclusions. Otherwise, experience becomes imprisoning.

Any effort which wittingly or unwittingly draws a wedge between the people and Armed Forces of Pakistan undermines the larger national interest.

If another person only had in his storehouse of deserved self-esteem what you had put there, what would he have to draw upon and to sustain him?

Forensic science offers great potential, as it draws on almost every discipline and, in doing so, creates widespread opportunity for innovation.

I was never that interested in movies. I was interested in them as a thing, but I didn't want to make movies. I always wanted to draw and paint.

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