I'm a cool dude.

I'm a loyal dude.

I am a dope dude.

I'm a common dude.

I'm a peaceful dude.

I'm a positive dude.

My dad was a big dude.

I'm a quirky dude, man.

I'm a chilled out dude.

I'm just a normal dude.

I'm just a regular dude.

Petr Yan's a tough dude.

I'm an introspective dude.

I'm not this perfect dude.

I'm like a pretty deep dude.

I'm not a Beverly Hills dude.

I'm just a quirky, funny dude.

I just try to be a regular dude.

I've always dressed like a dude.

Kaytranada's a really cool dude.

I'm not a big bulky jewelry dude.

I was an actor in New York, dude.

Every old dude hates young people.

I been the same dude my whole life.

Derek Jeter seems like a cool dude.

I'm just abnormal. I'm a weird dude.

I'm not really the cool dude at all.

Charlie Ward was the best dude ever.

I'm not the easiest dude to work with.

I'm just a straightforward kind of dude.

George C. Scott, man, was a powerful dude.

I have always been a super-emotional dude.

I won the Olympics. This is a dream, dude.

I love my fans because they're smart, dude.

Try writing a book, dude. That's difficult.

I was a sort of serious little dude - snobby.

I'm just a little artsy-fartsy computer dude.

I don't think any gay dude is gangsta, period.

I'm a hip hop dude who loves scoring for film.

I wasn't really a deep-rooted comic-book dude.

Prince Puma is the crispest dude in that ring.

I'm not no 'drink wine every day' kind of dude.

No, no, no, I'm not a fashion show type of dude.

I'm a laid back dude, I don't really get excited.

I'm a very normal guy. Like, I'm an average dude.

Dude, I've been a gamer ever since Intellivision.

As far as talking, I'm a pretty competitive dude.

I can be shy when I talk to women. I'm a shy dude.

I don't know why people think I'm this ad-lib dude.

I believe I'm better looking as a dude than a girl.

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