I don't like the term 'dynasty.'

I wanted to make a black 'Dynasty.'

It takes a lot to become a dynasty.

The Astros are going to be a dynasty.

I'm actually a big 'Duck Dynasty' fan.

This one man dynasty has only just begun.

The only dynasty I like is the Duck Dynasty.

When you're winning, you're creating a dynasty.

I sting like a butterfly and punch like a flea.

Meanwhile, the Bush dynasty comes to an official end.

People throw legacy and dynasty around a bit too much.

The clothes were a huge part of what made 'Dynasty' fun.

Most things can be fixed with duct tape and extension cords.

I can pass myself off as a 'Duck Dynasty' impersonator a lot.

I never, with my eyes, saw the mistreatment of any black person.

Christianity is why the 'Duck Dynasty' family is still together.

When you don't know what you're doing, it's best to do it quickly.

The Kardashian family have earned their place as an American dynasty.

We are not about creating a Forrest dynasty, we're about helping others.

I'm very proud to be part of the biggest family in wrestling, the Samoan Dynasty.

We loved the original 'Dynasty' - the camp and the big, surprising, soapy twists.

The right song can turn an emperor into a laughingstock, can bring down dynasties.

I think they should give me a spot on 'Dallas' or 'Dynasty' or one of those shows.

Every time I watched my acting on 'Dynasty,' I cringed. Creatively, I felt stifled.

I am absolutely a Giants fan and I'm a Dynasty baby so I was a 49ers fan for a long time.

Evolution on the large scale unfolds, like much of human history, as a succession of dynasties.

Right after Dynasty ended I had a facelift and laser surgery to get rid of lines around my eyes.

I just remember I wanted to make my own dynasty and not keep following trends. I wanted to make my own.

When 'Dynasty' was on, it was a huge deal when Diahann Carroll came on the show. That was groundbreaking.

I ended up getting a lion chain. I had to make my own mascot - I want to start my own dynasty eventually.

The Trumps will be a dynasty that will last for decades, propelling the Republican Party into a new party.

A real man don't call the plumbers. If he gonna call himself a man, he needs to know how to fix it, on the spot

Women do love each other; this whole women-against-each other, 'Dynasty' thing... we're not all after each other.

We don't think of ourselves as a dynasty. I really hope some of my grandkids will be actively involved in politics.

We don't just want to win the Super Bowl, we want to make a dynasty. I want to be a player who makes that a reality.

I think America needs us. 'Duck Dynasty' has given some hope to bringing the family back. I want to set that example.

Development is the solution to all problems. All other types of caste, communal and dynasty politics will not do good.

'Duck Dynasty' is a ridiculous show, and long may it wave. America and democracy will endure. They've seen a lot worse.

I always say the Boston Celtics of the 1960s were the only true dynasty, because they won nine titles in a 10-year span.

I was Mayor of New York during a great Yankees dynasty. I got to preside over the city during four Yankees championships.

Wonderful to see with the whole family. It's like travelling from dynasty to dynasty, from one Chinese region to another.

I don't like dynasty and legacy. But I think there's a period in the U.S. history where Bushes have been in the forefront.

After Dynasty, I wanted a reality check. I wanted to get in touch with real life, you know? That kind of world is outrageous.

Dynasty was the opportunity to take charge of my career rather than waiting around like a library book waiting to be loaned out.

Love the show 'Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives.' Being from Louisiana and a big outdoorsman, I'm a big fan of 'Duck Dynasty' as well.

Without the fans, there is no Samoan Dynasty, there is no Triple H, there is none of us. So the fans are entitled to their opinion.

All the cliches of glamorous sophistication have little appeal to me. Do I want to live the British version of 'Dynasty?' No thanks!

I just wanted to have my own dynasty. I wanted my own Cash Money or Roc-A-Fella. Outside of that, I also wanted my own media company.

I didn't go to the right schools, didn't come from a well-known family, nor was I even remotely connected to a powerful publishing dynasty.

More and more people support equality for their gay friends and neighbors, and that is not because the 'Duck Dynasty' guy almost lost his show.

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