I'm kind of effectively bipolar.

Most game music is based on loops effectively.

Most of the tree of life is effectively arranged.

To live effectively is to live with adequate information.

Most medications don't work effectively for a lot people.

I've learned how to use my spam filter pretty effectively.

The N.R.A. has effectively turned itself into the Id of the Right.

'The cloud' is effectively an augmentation of our brains' memories.

To design the future effectively, you must first let go of your past.

The way to push things through to a finish effectively must be learned.

The two things you cannot do effectively on stage are pray and copulate.

We are effectively destroying ourselves by violence masquerading as love.

Thinking clearly and effectively is the greatest asset of any human being.

Stanford had no journalism program so I just learned by doing, effectively.

Know how to effectively voice a complaint or make a claim at a retail store.

You cannot police a community without effectively working with the community.

Europe should speak more effectively and clearly with one voice in the world.

Satellite imagery is the only way we can map the looting patterns effectively.

Dealing with depression effectively is a mark not of weakness, but of strength.

Democrats haven't been functioning effectively as a party at the national level.

I think running the ball effectively is the key to winning games in the playoffs.

We are effectively living in a world of communications and information abundance.

The mid-day meal is a well-intentioned scheme and has to be implemented effectively.

Obama really changed the way in which design can be used effectively for a candidate.

We can destroy ourselves by cynicism and disillusion, just as effectively as by bombs.

No single institution or effort can effectively create solutions for societal problems.

I don't believe I could work as effectively at what I do without the support of my wife.

You can bullied as a young model, but there was a point where I found my voice, effectively.

Everyone knows what search engines are. But relatively few know how to use them effectively.

I don't think you can create effectively toward expectation. I'm not in the service business.

I.B.M. was my college education, effectively. They were very good at teaching you management.

I like to say, 'You get as much story as you can take.' But you have to effectively render it.

You are given certain skills, and if you don't use them effectively, you are being irresponsible.

There is no method by which an average citizen can effectively fight the White House in the media.

Candor is the key to collaborating effectively. Lack of candor leads to dysfunctional environments.

Countries are effectively paid deference in direct and indirect ways if they're huge oil suppliers.

Miss Universe is someone who communicates her thoughts effectively and is able to connect to people.

The good pleasure of God is an act of the divine will freely and effectively determining all things.

A coach's role, effectively speaking, is to stay in the background and let the onus be on the players.

'Alice' is effectively a story about a game of cards. 'Through the Looking Glass' is a story of chess.

Young people know how to use these social networking tools, and they know how to use them effectively.

There are just two things you can do to win a Nobel prize - have a good idea and pursue it effectively.

I think we need to communicate more effectively how we treat you with respect and dignity as a customer.

I wish the 'Dark Phoenix' saga had been done more effectively than it was, but that was out of my hands.

Effectively, change is almost impossible without industry-wide collaboration, cooperation and consensus.

Part of what's so tricky in a film that's two hours long is how many themes can you effectively explore.

If a course needs to be in great condition to be played effectively, then the design strategy is flawed.

Only the Liberal Democrats have probed the government's failings consistently, thoroughly and effectively.

Donovan McNabb has great, fast feet and has learned to lock them in to run the Eagles' offense effectively.

The more we can organize, find and manage information, the more effectively we can function in our modern world.

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