I like to look effortlessly beautiful.

It's really difficult to climb effortlessly.

Effortlessly, I feel like my records have longevity.

My dad and Jane Birkin; they are both effortlessly stylish.

I think comedy is something I enjoy, so it comes effortlessly.

I have a very strange melodic gift: melodies come to me effortlessly.

You have to work to look good. You don't wake up and effortlessly look fabulous.

Schoolwork came easy to me. I learned to play piano effortlessly. I was coasting.

I am inspired by alchemy and all things continuous, uninterrupted, and effortlessly fused into wholes.

I think that a woman that is elegant herself is somebody who can dress herself easily and effortlessly.

Every artist knows the songs that come out naturally, almost effortlessly, are the songs that do the most.

Barcelona is one of my favourite cities in the world. The fashion and people are just so effortlessly cool.

I've spent, I think, close to the last decade effortlessly and magically converting your tin cans into pure gold.

For me, love is magic; it's about trust and understanding. It's putting the other person before you effortlessly.

I'm an artist and I can draw very well. I'm amazed that everybody can't draw well because I can do it so effortlessly.

At times, it seems as if the only women effortlessly balancing their jobs, kids, husbands and homes are the ones on TV.

As far as style goes, I gravitate toward anything that is effortlessly chic. I don't wanna look like I'm trying too hard.

As a little girl, my dollhouse allowed me to imagine a big, perfect, grown-up life in which I'd be effortlessly domestic.

In Northern Ireland, I truly, effortlessly, knew who I was. I knew where I belonged. I felt completely and utterly secure.

Diane Kruger looks pretty awesome on the red carpet and is effortlessly cool. I'm also a fan of Bella Hadid and Hailey Baldwin.

To be able to float and move around and, pretty much effortlessly, do whatever you want with your body in space is pretty amazing.

To me, Cary Grant is probably the most fashionable man in the history of Hollywood. The guy was just slick. He did it so effortlessly.

I want to be able to follow the example of those extraordinary British actresses who move effortlessly from film to TV to theatre roles.

It's really cool when a guy tips 20 per cent quickly and effortlessly so that when the check comes, he opens it and signs his name and done.

I think often times on Joss Whedon's shows he can make you hate a character for a period and then love the character. He does it effortlessly.

I didn't want to overdo things with fashion. I wanted to mix and match the basics and classics to make it, you know, effortlessly fashionable.

Many of the qualities that come so effortlessly to dogs - loyalty, devotion, selflessness, unflagging optimism, unqualified love - can be elusive to humans.

What is memory? To remember is an effort and to forget, effortless. And some memories get etched so deep in our system that they are remembered effortlessly.

I have fought with 'Rampage' Jackson and I took him down easily. Honestly, I scored six takedowns effortlessly. I have fought Ryan Bader and I took him down too.

'I'm Yours' was written effortlessly in about 20 minutes' time, and I honestly thought it was more of like a kids' song, and I didn't do anything with it for years.

I like Victoria Beckham - she has really good taste. Also, Natasha Poly, Miranda Kerr, and Alessandra Ambrosio. They know how to dress effortlessly sexy, but still cool.

Friends, there are many areas in which I need encouragement, but worrying is not one of them. I worry the way Renée Fleming sings high Cs: Effortlessly. Loudly. At length.

We learn differently as children than as adults. For grown-ups, learning a new skill is painful, attention-demanding, and slow. Children learn unconsciously and effortlessly.

There are few things quite so effortlessly enjoyable as watching an eminent person getting in a huff and flouncing out of a television interview, often with microphone trailing.

For the role of 50-year-old Sivasami in 'Asuran,' Dhanush has put in phenomenal effort. With his extreme level of dedication, he pulled off the challenging character effortlessly.

You can find all types of men anywhere, but a smart man will always make you feel important and understood. And a woman can always tell when a man does it genuinely and effortlessly.

My reputation for writing quickly and effortlessly notwithstanding, I am strongly in favor of intelligent, even fastidious revision, which is, or certainly should be, an art in itself.

I believe it is tough to be funny and tougher to make people laugh. And it needs to be been done effortlessly. A joke can be comedy, but one can kill the joke if it is delivered badly.

In high school I became a vegetarian more times than I can now remember, most often as an effort to claim some identity in a world of people whose identities seemed to come effortlessly.

I loved watching the base of those thunderstorms, the billowing tops of the cumulonimbus, the lightning that effortlessly lit up the lake and the sky. It was gorgeous, so energetic. I was in love.

I got so famous with so many new people entering my life. You can imagine how it was for an 18-year-old who was playing effortlessly and savouring every moment of my success. I had lost all sense of reality.

Although I myself have not been a huge follower of Shakespeare's dramatic nuances during my academic years, these plays that were penned down centuries ago loom large in every student's psyche, quite effortlessly.

There's a fraudulent root element of comedy in that we say things night after night as though they are rolling effortlessly from the brain and off the tongue, when in fact they are crafted over weeks and months and years.

In 'Tree of Life,' the cinematography records a small story, a celebration of the courage of everyday life. But it does it so up close and so effortlessly that it has the effect of elevating the intimacy of the story to a grand scale.

I created this picture of this character who would play the guitar effortlessly, who had no limitations, performing beautiful music, and he moved around with great acrobatic skills, just capturing the audience and being a great entertainer.

You should breathe deeply and chant, 'Money will easily and effortlessly flow into my life' as often as you can every day. Things will start to change after a month. If you believe you will be financially secure, then you are opening yourself up to change.

I'm one of those people that feels that Americans that shouldn't do Shakespeare... The rhythms of the English language and the mannerisms of the English speech seems to work effortlessly with William Shakespeare, but when Americans do it, something seems stuck.

I find littering very annoying. It's a minor but also a major thing: a society that litters is one that also has so little respect for the environment and, consequently, other people. If we had clean streets, a lot of other things would be fixed almost effortlessly.

I'm a fan of designers and clothes that look beautiful, but more importantly, make me feel beautiful and confident. It's why I've always loved Stella McCartney, and more recently, Prabal Gurung. Their pieces are cool, yet timeless, and the fits are effortlessly flattering.

The trick to my writing, it turned out, was doing so exclusively in bed. The minute I even dared to discipline myself and write at the desk, I produced mounds of nonsense. Yet, sitting in bed, I wrote easily, effortlessly, fluidly. I became the master of perfect indiscipline.

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