My dad is an egomaniac.

I was a talented egomaniac with a self-esteem problem.

Any man who wants to be president is either an egomaniac or crazy.

I haven't had the egomaniac star yet in any of my films. It's always been a pleasure.

Steve Jobs had his critics. Some saw him as an egomaniac, and others, as a control freak.

Performing doesn't turn me on. It's an egomaniac business, filled with prima donnas - including this one.

I am a little bit of an egomaniac. I like being in front of the camera, so I take advantage of it when I can.

It has to do with the fact that Ford, for all his greatness, is an Irish egomaniac, as anyone who knows him will say.

Face it, you have to be sort of an egomaniac to write something down and think that anyone is going to want to read it.

I love hearing positive things; somewhere, way deep down, I'm sure I'm an egomaniac. I guess all performers are, in a way.

If being an egomaniac means I believe in what I do and in my art or music, then in that respect you can call me that... I believe in what I do, and I'll say it.

I'm going to sound like an egomaniac, but I'm proud of so many things. I feel proud of my book, 'I'm Just A Person,' proud of my HBO special. I'm proud of a lot of things.

I was concerned about doing the right thing when I was a kid. I suppose as a child, you're a massive egomaniac, and you think that everything you do is going to affect the world.

What do I know about Mitt Romney? I know that he's a self-serving egomaniac who puts himself first, who has a chip on his shoulder, and thinks that he should be president of the United States.

Not to sound egomaniac or anything, but just to get under people's skin like that, and for them to believe in you and believe strongly enough to write... it's flattering and it helps you during the day.

People who are successful should never forget that it's 90 per cent luck. You've got to be an eejit to be an egomaniac. I had my glory years - 'Blankety Blank,' the talk show, when I was winning every award going.

So I'd say that the Doc Antles, the Jeff Lowes, these people were very guarded. Carole Baskin wasn't and Joe Exotic, wasn't, obviously, because he's such a narcissist and an egomaniac that he did so many things against his better judgment.

Of course it's fun writing about an egomaniac, but I know there are going to be reviewers who've never met me, who don't know anything about me, who are going to say this is autobiography: he's just changed the names of a few people, and the rest is totally as it was.

When I did the film 'Hear My Voice' a few years ago, I disappeared fully up my own backside for a while. Because I thought my career was taking off, I became a bit of an egomaniac and a pain in the neck. I thought I was God's gift to mankind and the greatest Irishman since George Best.

When you see a comedian on stage, the best comedians make it feel like a conversation. But it's not. We have very little interest in what an audience has to say during a performance. Being a stand-up comedian, you're an egomaniac to some degree. Everyone wants to hear what you have to say, apparently. That's not how real relationships work.

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