You can conquer almost any fear if you will only make up your mind to ...

You can conquer almost any fear if you will only make up your mind to do so. For remember, fear doesn't exist anywhere except in the mind.

I write emotional music.

Curves are so emotional.

I'm a Pisces - emotional.

I'm a very emotional guy.

I write emotional algebra.

You need emotional content.

I'm a very emotional person.

I am a very emotional person.

Art is an emotional experience

Allow motion to equal emotion.

I'm a pretty emotional person.

Cancer is an emotional disease.

There's no doubt I'm emotional.

I was an emotional basket case.

I feel very emotional and party.

Patience is emotional diligence.

Hollywood - an emotional Detroit.

Another reality is a whisper away.

Fonts. I get emotional over fonts.

The sun shines not on us but in us.

An emotional debt is hard to square.

Life is a very emotional experience.

Too much emotion is like none at all.

As an actress, I'm an emotional person.

I'm kind of an emotional exhibitionist.

Emotions have taught mankind to reason.

Consumerism thrives on emotional voids.

The actor becomes an emotional athlete.

Exercising can exorcise emotional pain.

My crown is in my heart, not on my head.

I tend to be emotional when... I breathe.

My comedy is like emotional hang-gliding.

He didn't flinch, but in his soul he did.

The key to success is emotional stability.

I think dancing is an emotional experience.

Music is the emotional life of most people.

A sentence is not emotional a paragraph is.

Food like love is a deeply emotional matter.

I have an emotional attachment with Katihar.

Images are ... a kind of emotional shorthand.

There was a "We" and hope, but nothing after.

A one woman cabaret of emotional impressionism

Any emotion, if it is sincere, is involuntary.

Hollywood has turned into an emotional Detroit.

Music is the emotional life of the most people.

Acting is a total physical, emotional sensation.

I'm totally into the emotional aspect of things.

Use pain as a stepping stone, not a camp ground.

I don't have emotional needs, only physical ones.

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