I'm an enormous Tim Burton fan.

The world is an enormous injustice.

Human beings have enormous resilience.

Wild above rule or art, enormous bliss.

There are enormous resources in Greece.

This must be a simply enormous wardrobe!

The enormous faith of many made for one.

We must hold enormous faith in ourselves.

IBM needed - an enormous sense of urgency.

I'd rather die enormous than live dormant.

We have enormous challenges in front of us.

I have an enormous metabolism, so I'm lucky.

C is quirky, flawed, and an enormous success.

It takes enormous strength to be a real woman.

Tibetan Buddhism had an enormous impact on me.

Every moment is enormous and it is all we have.

India has an enormous amount of AIDS awareness.

My fan mail is enormous. Everyone is under six.

Like most people, I am an enormous fan of movies.

Hollywood has lost an enormous amount of quality.

I have an enormous sense of having failed in life.

I eat an enormous amount of fruits and vegetables.

I get and read an enormous number of first novels.

Investing in health will produce enormous benefits.

There is enormous value in face to face interaction.

O my enormous piano, you are not like being outdoors

The benefits from a world currency would be enormous.

These days people wallow in enormous masses of sound.

I was given an enormous amount of love by my parents.

The number of witches had everywhere become enormous.

I am iron resisting the most enormous magnet there is.

Thrillers are an enormous amount of fun for filmmakers.

Loss is so paradoxical: It is at once enormous and tiny.

Enormous? Did you just call me FAT? I am not fat. - Jace

I have enormous respect for people who do run for office.

What we know is not much. What we don't know is enormous.

Britain's got talent, enormous talent; that's very obvious.

Britain's got talent, enormous talent, that's very obvious.

Great success always comes at the risk of enormous failure.

Our enormous surplus revenues are illogical and oppressive.

Civilization is an enormous improvement on the lack thereof.

Every child has an enormous drive to demonstrate competence.

It takes enormous effort to avoid all theories and just see.

F1 is a very strong business and it's got enormous heritage.

Unless you are an enormous name, you never stop auditioning.

I have enormous respect for people who are gifted mechanics.

You can have parties without spending enormous sums of money.

I see enormous loves growing immense and finally crushing me.

Civilization is an enormous device for economizing knowledge,.

I was putting myself under enormous pressure to be successful.

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