My parents were both entrepreneurs.

Women are doing wonders as entrepreneurs.

We can support innovators and entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneurs bring to business... creativity.

I love the ingenuity of British entrepreneurs.

My grandfathers on both sides were entrepreneurs.

I am a natural optimist, as entrepreneurs tend to be.

Entrepreneurs should never work with big corporations.

Today, 30-year-olds are becoming social entrepreneurs.

The best entrepreneurs know when to ignore sage advice.

I would say all power to women entrepreneurs out there.

The social entrepreneurs are governments' best friends.

When times are bad is when the real entrepreneurs emerge.

America is full of entrepreneurs, inventors, and dreamers.

We always saw ourselves in careers as entrepreneurs or angels.

Entrepreneurs with disabilities are overwhelmingly successful.

I have a good eye for great projects, talent, and entrepreneurs.

The best entrepreneurs have a sense of purpose that drives them.

For me, I always admire anyone that's entrepreneurs or inventors.

Social entrepreneurs are people who have amazing passion to do good.

Branding jails corporate America, but honesty sets entrepreneurs free.

The government does not and cannot create jobs. Only entrepreneurs do.

In embracing change, entrepreneurs ensure social and economic stability.

My family were all entrepreneurs, including my parents and grandparents.

I started angel investing because I like hanging out with entrepreneurs.

We believe strongly that all meaningful change comes from entrepreneurs.

I think entrepreneurs should demand transparency for startup accelerators.

I've trained my people in mentoring entrepreneurs and made myself obsolete.

The next generation of entrepreneurs are already named Martinez or Sanchez.

I'm generally risk averse, and most great entrepreneurs I know are as well.

It's tough for entrepreneurs when they're small to get good prices on stuff.

I found that women entrepreneurs earn 50% less than their male counterparts.

Of the great entrepreneurs of this era, people will have forgotten Steve Jobs.

The same instincts that make us good students can make us lousy entrepreneurs.

My parents were entrepreneurs. They ran a small ad agency in upstate New York.

I don't have any problem with government helping entrepreneurs and businesses.

There will always be a capital shortage from the perspective of entrepreneurs.

My parents were entrepreneurs. I grew up believing in the power of innovation.

The venture capital world is completely stacked against minority entrepreneurs.

Just as entrepreneurs developed America, they can develop other countries, too.

The world's most successful entrepreneurs play hard, but they work even harder.

Great entrepreneurs focus intensely on an opportunity where others see nothing.

Entrepreneurs and rowers show characteristics of curiosity and wanting to learn.

I would say raising capital is one of the weakest things for most entrepreneurs.

I wish more LPs would blog to help VCs and entrepreneurs understand them better.

Successful entrepreneurs always give 100% of their efforts to everything they do.

I want to see talent and companies and money and entrepreneurs moving to Chicago.

To stimulate the economy, we need to give entrepreneurs the means to create wealth.

Entrepreneurs are not driven by fear; they are driven by the idea to create impact.

I try to grow my management team as entrepreneurs, make the structure decentralized.

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