He kissed me hard and I kissed him back harder, like it was the end of an era that had lasted all of my life.

In a certain sense a writer is 'selected' by his subject - his subject being the consciousness of his own era.

The thing is, I was on YouTube like the golden era, I think. Before ads came in, it was really cool back then.

I grew up in the era when Dan Rather hated Richard Nixon. He was a newsman, but you knew what his opinion was.

The question is: Particularly in the post-9/11 era, are societies becoming more liberal or more authoritarian?

The ultimate pitch for an era of short attention spans begins with a single word - and doesn't go any further.

The '60s is one of my favourite eras in general. I love '60s music, and I've always wanted to do a period film.

The oldest [John Kenneth] Galbraith rule is that when you hear that a new era has dawned, you should take cover.

In my day, in my era, Ralph McDaniels, just being five and being at his block party, you could just got onstage.

In an era ruled by materialism and unstable geopolitics, art must be restored to the center of public education.

With automatic spell checkers running unleashed over what we compose, our era is that of correctly spelled typos.

There is this false perception that comedians can never be serious. It's like from like the era of court jesters.

You should always know when you're shifting gears in life. You should leave your era - it should never leave you.

The era of the Single Savior is over. What is needed now is joint action, combined effort, collective co-creation.

We are the two great painters of this era; you are in the Egyptian style, I in themodern style. (to Pablo Picasso)

For me, the present is a golden era. That's the greatest golden era. Right now. I just like pining for lost times.

It was a great time to grow up in Chicago. It was the mid-80s, and we had the 85 Bears and the Michael Jordan era.

The intricate engraving, fine lines, beading and milgrain accents echo an era defined by elaborate embellishments.

Only by doing the best we can with the very best that an era offers, do we find the way to do better in the future.

It is also an era dominated by industry, in which the right to make a dollar at whatever cost is seldom challenged.

I hate to say it, but she's trying to copy Miley [Cyrus] and Miley's trying to copy her. The era of Madonna is over.

When eras die, their legacies Are left to strange police. Professors in New England guard The glory that was Greece.

First off, I have to mention what is undoubtedly the greatest phenomenon of the modern era: All You Can Eat Buffets.

In one era, it's hard enough to compare people. But comparing people of different eras... that's next to impossible.

Everything is cyclical. Historical eras go through times of intense cynicism, broken by periods of intense idealism.

Cristiano is unlucky to be playing in the same era as Messi. Ronaldo is a very good player, but Messi is even better.

You think I live in the past. You don't understand that I actually change with every era, I always have as best I can

In an era of transparency, you can have innovation without branding, but you cannot have branding without innovation.

We are in a new era, a new era where campaign rules certainly don`t apply, and who knows what other rules don`t apply.

... we're moving into an era when we will define ourselves more by the technologies we refuse than the ones we accept.

The era of playing aggressive cricket and to have the mid-on up is gone. You now try to read the mindset of a batsman.

In my era of wrestling, there were no guaranteed contracts, so it was inherent that you draw the crowd in to make money.

My songs are cinematic so they seem to reference a glamorous era or fetishize certain lifestyles, but that's not my aim.

It's time to end the era of mass incarceration. We need a true national debate about how to reduce our prison population.

I love that [ late-50s Verve recordings] - to me, that's the epitome of vocal jazz. It's my favorite style and era of it.

There's four biggies. There was Elizabeth I, George III, Victoria, and the current queen, who really dominated four eras.

The loss of Jerry Garcia feels like the end of an era in the same way it felt when Elvis died and John Lennon was killed.

One thing that Chairman Mao did was to end the appalling foot binding of women. That alone justifies the Mao Tse-tung era.

You say a new era in art is preparing; you sensed it coming; continue your studies without weakening. God will do the rest.

John Quincy Adams most certainly was a part of the Revolutionary War era. He was a young boy, but he was actively involved.

It is hard to compare the eras, but Joe Jackson and Ty Cobb from the past, Sandy Koufax and Roger Clements from the present.

I know part of nostalgia is romanticising the past, but I love doing things in a slower way, and the glamour of bygone eras.

A good book is fruitful of other books; it perpetuates its fame from age to age, and makes eras in the lives of its readers.

The selfie era offers a big opening: everybody can do it; nowadays even five-year-olds know how to take a nude self-portrait.

Just as you can identify eras of fashion by glancing at a piece of vintage clothing, logos create and follow trends over time.

The war is ending, for the first time in the history of relations between Moscow and Grozny, and the era of peace is starting.

I think that the ideal physique and look of a ballerina is always changing with different eras. And it's continuing to change.

Lil Wayne is talented. He seems to be the dominant figure in this particular era of hip-hop. So you know, he's doing his thing.

We have entered an era vibrating with the din of small voices. Every citizen can be a reporter, can take on the powers that be.

The Court should never be influenced by the weather of the day but inevitably they will be influenced by the climate of the era.

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