Let us move from the era of confrontation to the era of negotiation.

There was never a golden era of American radio as far as I can tell.

We should not be afraid to go into a new era, to leave the old beyond.

You can forge anything these days, and we're living in a fake news era.

Youth is not the era of wisdom; let us therefore have due consideration.

We talking about revolution because that's the era that you're caught in.

My mustache has become this weird iconic representation of a certain era.

In government as well as in trade a new era came to the colonies in 1763.

My career spanned the era when relievers started to become more important

We have entered 'The Era of the Three-Option Woman and the No-Option Man.'

[In] my era everybody smoked and everybody drank and there was no drug use

We live in an era with no real sense of community or connection to nature.

The eighties was an era when many companies were asset rich and cash poor.

We meet today To thank Thee for the era done, And Thee for the opening one.

People ask me what my favorite WWE era is. It's now, because I'm living it.

It was just at the end of the golden era of BBC comedy, which was fantastic.

Every era in history has needed, and will need, reproductive health services.

Leninism is Marxism of the era of imperialism and the proletarian revolution.

ERA means abortion funding, means homosexual privileges, means whatever else.

I love the Digital Era! I grew up in a time that started from cassette tapes.

Some eras worship infancy; some, the aged. None as yet has adored middle age.

The evolution of the New Era rests on the cornerstone of Knowledge and Beauty.

I always felt like I was meant to have been born in another era, another time.

It is with considerable difficulty that I remember the original era of my being

The birth of democracy in Iraq is one of the great positive changes of our era.

In our era, the road to holiness necessarily passes through the world of action.

My leadership will end the Obama era and begin a new era of American prosperity.

Anybody against women, against the ERA, should never be voted into office again.

If any era should be aware of the temptations to rewrite history, it is our own.

Life is so absurd now that it is almost impossible to be a satirist in this era.

When chaos is the god of an era, clamorous music is the deity's chief instrument.

Investors aren't willing to accept the idea that we're in an era of lower returns.

Queen had its time and place, and at the moment I'm not concentrating on that era.

Modern allopathic medicine is the only major science stuck in the pre-Einstein era.

I believe greatness is an evolutionary process that changes and evolves era to era.

We Americans entered a new phase in our history - the era of integration - in 1954.

In this era in which we live, the old-fashioned virtues grow increasingly unpopular.

I'm a poet born in the era of Andy Warhol and a generation that wanted to be famous.

I'd love to be in a 1910s film - the era between the corsets and losing the corsets.

Man cannot do without beauty, and this is what our era pretends to want to disregard.

The best thing about the New Year is your 4.90 ERA disappears and starts back at zero.

Just because we live in a Christian era doesn't mean we're all Christian, necessarily.

Hillary Clinton represents staunch feminists, she represents the new era of feminists.

Back in my era, hacking was all about messing with other hackers. It was a hacker war.

I count myself fortunate to be able to participate in the life of science in this era.

If anything I consider myself non-violent. I'm from the hippy era, peace, love, groovy.

We are opening up an enormous new era in archaeology. Time capsules in the deep oceans.

I want to beat the best out there and whoever is considered the top fighters of my era.

I'm an early 1990's baby, so I had the pleasure of going through a lot of eras in music.

Sometimes you write a song in a certain era and it's got a certain kind of significance.

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